Hi Etsy,
We have been having an issue with favorites auto changing from PUBLIC setting to PRIVATE setting every time we "heart" or "favorite" other shops/sellers items. Our shop setting is set for PUBLIC viewing of our favorites, but as soon as we start "favoriting/hearting" items, the setting automatically changes to Private setting. We are having to constantly change the setting every single day multiple times a day and when on teams, others think we are not "hearting" their items as our setting keeps auto changing to Private even though we keep changing it back to Public and saving it. We are using a Desktop computer and Chrome. This has been happening since beginning of October. This appears to be a technical issue as others have said they are having same issue. Once we stop "favoriting" items it stays on Public, but the moment we start "favoriting/hearting" items setting changes to PRIVATE.
Please keep my favorites set to public...our shop has many followers who look at our favorites. Our sales matter.... for you (ETSY) as well !
Maybe it’s done in the interest of buyers? Some set theirs to private so Etsy has created a default to Private if you favourite something so others can not buy it. The important thing is we have discovered the logic of this change. We can do our hearting strategies and then reset to public.
i would much prefer it if Etsy didn’t keep changing Everything! No other marketplace does as far as I am aware so it is all a waste of admin time.
This is becoming increasingly annoying. Every day I have to go in and change my Favorites setting again back to Public as Etsy has changed it to Private. Yes, I scroll down and click Save. I have them set to public for a reason. Sigh, not the biggest problem in the world, just a nuisance.
I don't get public favorites. As a customer why should I care what you like? I care what I like. Although if my private favorites were suddenly public I guess I would be irritated too and feel it a breach of expectations. It should work as intended.
Lol..public privates.. *lowers hands*
There seems to be an Etsy glitch where hearting goes private everyday even after you fix it to public. Anyone know how to fix?
I have just noticed this.
There seem to be several glitches.
Hello everyone, and thank you for bringing this to our attention. We’ve relayed your feedback to the team for review.
Is there any update? Every "fix" I've tried has failed. My Favorites still keep going right back to Private when I favorite another item.
Almost three months later and this problem is still happening. Did the team review it yet?
This is not solved!!!!!
And WHAT HAS BEEN DONE?! This is still happening and it's January 2025?!
I tested it and it appears to finally get our favs back to where they were.
Done that. Still not working.
Done... but did not fix the issue. Went right back to Private.
Thank you for your detailed instructions and attempt to fix issue.
We did exactly what you recommended in both Chrome and Firefox. Completed all steps and gave it a try. Unfortunately it did NOT work for our particular shop. We checked to make sure our favs were PUBLIC before giving it a test. The moment we "hearted/faved" just 1 item from another shop and went back to see if setting were still on PUBLIC after just 1 favorite, it had in fact changed over to Private again. Sad to say it didn't work for us, but maybe it will for others. Thank you for trying.
@shabbyshopgirls I had the same experience. Favorite just one item and zip, right back to Private.
I am sorry. The same thing happened to me again but I am not giving up. By the above message from Etsy support I believe they are finally working on the bug.
This is still not fixed. My favs are to be public and it keeps returning to private even when I change and save.
It is a nuisance.
This is happening across the board to tons of shops and believe me Etsy is aware, they just choose to NOT help. I have been fighting this for over a month now. I've gone through Chat and Support and got absolutely ZERO help. It was just going to private when you listed within the team boards, now it seems they have expanded where even if you reset them, they put them back to private whether you fav anything else or list anything else or not. I have seen a horrible direct reduction in both views and sales since this started. We pay to be on this site and Etsy has no respect for the sellers at all. I've been here for almost 12 years and there just has to be a better way!
The bug in my shop appeared for the first time on Oct 1 (or night before). It seems it's connected with page "you have been blocked". There are several threads about it in Technical issues. From these threads, I followed the given suggestions and they didn't work fully. Then, I did the next:
In my Chrome browser opened Settings > Privacy and security > Delete browsing data > I deleted ALL History, cookies/cache, etc. Restarted my desktop computer (Win10) and signed back in to my shop.
Since then, my favorites page is stable – set on public, no switching to private.
Did the same in Firefox, which i use occasionally.
Hi MODFABIO from etsy, Any update or timeline when this issue may be fixed? I still click one link and then heart an item on our Etsy Lithium team platform and my PUBLIC Fav ITEMS turns to PRIVATE. Thank you!
As a Team Captain I continue to have my faves go back and forth as well! It’s been a nightmare trying to keep track of everyone. It’s been a month of fix it and then the next day it’s back again? Finally stopped switching mine back n forth until Etsy gets this fixed. As every time I Fave an item it Auto backs to private as well! All the dum pop up windows too! I wish Etsy would get with the Company who does all their computer programming changes etc. it’s so crazy! Are they on the same page? Every time they change one thing messes up a ton of other things!
And it’s always at the Holiday time??? WHY? What kids are running this show? I wonder sometimes!
Reason this is important! Sales are sometimes generated when you see someone’s favorites! You’d think Etsy would know that!
Etsy has made many good changes in the past for us Sellers and buyers alike.
But…when it’s not broken please don’t fix it! I sure miss the way Etsy used to be several years ago now! We are not an Amazon! I wish they’d bring back that homeyness!
Please fix this faving issue and our Favorites staying where we want them as Shop owners! On public!
Thank you!
I wish they would do something too! It's been awful! The Seller App doesn't work and it's very frustrating! ~ Seems Etsy has turned a blind eye to this issue!
I too miss the way Etsy used to be...
@FabioMcMustache Do we have any news on a fix for this situation?
As of today, it still is happening. I put mine back to public every morning and it goes back to private in less than an hour...yesterday, I fixed it 28 times during the day. Yes, there is a problem.