I am trying to Facebook share form ETSY but I am getting a message that says ive opt out of FB platform which is not true. what does this mean
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I got the same thing today. My personal FB account works for sharing, but not my page account. I don't recall opting out of the FB platform.
I am getting the same message. My Etsy store shows as verified on Facebook and the meta tag is still in the right spot on my Etsy shop but I am unable to click the "facebook" button at the top of a listing and post it to facebook.
Have either of you gotten a response from Etsy?
This happened to me about 2 years ago and I have never been able to reattach my business page. I am able to post to my personal page. I get the same error as you are. One day it just stopped working. Facebook shows that it has given access to etsy but to no avail. I am pretty handy with trouble shooting computer problems and this is pretty much the one thing I was never able to fix. Keep us posted if you hear anything.
I read recently in another forum post that FB sharing no longer works on the iPhone due to one of their updates. I now use Meta Business Suite to manually post to FB & IM at same time.
I am trying to do this on my desktop not using my phone so I don't know if the same update would apply.
I just tried it on my other shop and it works. I don't have any social media for my new vintage shop yet.
I'm having the same issue. I'm using my desktop pc and I haven't opted out of anything, that I'm aware of. I'm a new shop owner and need to establish my shop on social media. With this issue, I can't do that. Please, someone help me.
Has anyone found how to fix this issue? Mine stop Friday
Still trying to solve this
This is still a problem for me. Etsy? Any help here? When i am in MEta Business Suite, I go to settings, I go to All Tools, then to Business Apps. FB states that "there are no apps" of Etsy name. Crazy!!!
Bump again because this keeps happening to me too. I do not want my personal page linked, I want my business Etsy shop page linked. Here's what I get
User opted out of platform: The action attempted is disallowed, because the user has opted out of Facebook platform.
Well no idea what that means!!
Yes - I can copy link and post but it just takes longer and not the look I want. Come on Etsy Support - Lets get an answer/fix here! Thank you
Has anyone found the solution to this? I have made sure Etsy and FB are linked on each platform but when I try to share to FB from Etsy I get the same error. What gives??
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