Oh the run-a-round! I have a red error that my billing info has expired. It's an old credit card ending in 4321 and I no longer use it, (my sales always cover my fees anyway) and I have already updated my seller account credit card, I actually added TWO valid credit cards, and the error still remains. I have my account set up for daily deposits and haven't received my money in weeks. Etsy support just sends a long winded email basically telling me to update my billing info in the exact manner I have already done so. Where does one go from here?
They always send a generic message the first time. You need to reply to the eMail - there is usually a link that says something like "I Still Need Help" otherwise Etsy assumes the matter is resolved and closes it. DO NOT start a new issue because it closes the first one and puts your new one at the bottom of the pile.
I’ve been going back and forth and the replies are repetitive.I’ve updated my billing info just as instructedMy issue is unresolved.
It will be because the old card is still the default.
Make a new card the default, and it will let you delete the old card.
I’ve read your replies on a different thread. There is no option on the Etsy seller app or on three different browsers to make a new card a default card. The warning to update my billing is for a card that is no longer even on my account. My issue remains unresolved.
There is no option on the Etsy seller app or on three different browsers to make a new card a default card
I've read other sellers saying this.
I do have the option and always have; so I can't trouble shoot why it doesn't show up.
The warning to update my billing is for a card that is no longer even on my account.
This is even weirder.
If you can't make a new card default, then you can't delete the old card. And if the old card isn't in the list, why is it giving a warning.
The new card has to be the default and you did add the card in the payment area of the shop finances and not elsewhere?
I have deleted the old card and added two different credit cards under shop manager> finances> payment settings> billing JUST as they have told me too. And yet my issue remains unresolved.
hello did you ever get a resolve. I am having the same issue. any help will be helpful> thank you kindly!