Hello Everyone,
I am hoping that someone here can help me. I have no idea what's going on. I have been with Etsy for over 2 years now without any problems with Etsy when I got this message in my message box.
Please provide your email address so we can send you a verification form.
Order processing system! Hello, your shop is temporarily unable to accept new orders. To restore the shop and see new orders in your profile, please
write your е-Mаil аddress in the chat. You will be sent a notification where you can complete a simple verification. Regards, Etsy.
So, I of course try to send them my e-mail not understanding why they wouldn't already have my e-mail address. But when I try to message them back, this happens. In a big red box it says, "The username you have entered is not a valid Etsy user." It won't let me send anything to them in the chat box! But I can still write to other people. Since Etsy has no phone number, I cannot call them. And I have been desperately trying to find their chat box and I can't get to it no matter what I do. And I can't find an e-mail address for customer service either. Was this even from them? I have no idea if I can still sale my bracelets or not. I haven't gotten and order for a month but that isn't too uncommon. So, I just don't know. This has me all upset and turned around. I don't want to keep making monthly payments if I can't even sell anything.
That's a scam. You can't reply because Etsy has already deleted the account.
Please read these threads:
I did not know that we can get Spam in our messages through Etsy. OMG!
Anyone who has an Etsy account can send you a message.
I did not know that we can get Spam in our messages through Etsy.
Your shop is open for all the world to see, and so is your CONTACT SELLER link.
Nothing secret about it.
Actually they say from Etsy, but there is a a special folder in your messages, that says "From Etsy" if they say they are from Etsy and not in that folder and they want you to take your account off Etsy to do Etsy's business its a Scam.
A few months ago that happened to me they blocked my account and it was Etsy, they want you to keep updatingyour information as they are always updatingtheir system as it run totally by AI took me ages to messagethem, I couldn’t find a link anywhere, crafty of them I must say, I’m also getting customers telling me that they can’t contact them either, this isn’t good, people will be steared away if they are not responding, ironic since they are marking us on a percentage system for not responding to emails, I respond to them all and very quickly but still haven’t made the grade!!!
They are burying themselves!!!
SCAM! Send it to your Spam folder.
As I was just telling dipp I did not know this could happen through our Etsy messages. Thanks so much!
It's not from Etsy - it's a scammer trying to remove your money from you. The reason you can't reach them is because Etsy has already zapped their account out of existence.
Send it to spam and any others that you might receive. If you gave them any info - email address, bank or cc details, inform your financial institutions immediately.
Not sure what you meant about monthly payments because Etsy has no month fees for just a regular shop. Listings are .20 cents each and last for 4 months.
Yes has happened several times to me as well…all saying it’s through Etsy! So scary!
apparently you can open an account on etsy and say your name is Etsy Support. Or Etsy Payments, or whatever, and then they download an etsy logo in the avatar. At first glance, looks legit, but anyone who is reading this and is relatively new around here, that's not how etsy will contact you with issues; they already know your email address.
Whenever you get a message that says it is from Etsy, go to your Shop Manager>Messages using a browser, not the app (the app does not show what you need), and check under Messages where there is a list of links starting with Inbox and Order Help Requests. Under those is a link that says 'From Etsy'. Click it and check if the message is there. If it is not, it is a scam. Anyone can send a message to your inbox, but only Etsy can send one to the 'From Etsy' folder.
PS. Do NOT fall for any messages that claim the 'From Etsy' section of messages is not working. Those are scammers. Mark all scam messages as spam (again, you cannot use the app for this, so use a browser).
Take the time to read thru the Forums and you will get educated real quick on things you will benefit from knowing about.
It's a scam. I had one like that the other day. I've got a different one this morning. SO many scam messages!! Are they doing anything about it? I have screenshot of it because it's got a stupid spelling mistake in it, but can't seem to upload it on here?
@HouseOfGander Etsy is doing the best they can. Those accounts are closed as soon as Etsy is notified it's a scammer. There are filters that help stop them (hence the stupid spelling mistakes). You don't need to upload it here, but if you do a copy/paste, make sure you delete the hyperlinks.
There are a lot of people being scammed. Don't believe anything. All are scam messages