Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

Hi, I'm writing here because Etsy chat hasn't been working for me for 2 weeks, no one is answering me there.

So it happened to me, what happened to many others, regarding the unsolicited . Which is not true, because we write to the customer very intensively, because I wanted to write to him, regarding his package, the customer thanked me for following up.

Suddenly I get a message from Etsy as if I'm not communicating, which is nonsense and I'm already afraid to even answer the customer, because Etsy or a robot, evaluated the situation completely differently than if I wasn't answering.

So it's definitely a mistake, because Etsy wrote to me based on that that they could cancel my account, which is unfair, since what they sent me is not true.



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45 Replies

Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

@ModKenneth Please look at this, it's an mistake.

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

@ModAngie ? you can check?

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

1. if buyers contact you first, reply to them.

2. If they haven't contacted you, do not send unsolicited messages


There is no reason to send messages to people separately, it annoys a lot of people and they will mark as spam.

If you want to include a message to the buyer, you can include it in the order e-mail, AND the dispatch e-mail

don't spam buyers separately with anything else,

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!


Hi , I'm answering messages right away. But there was no update on the package for a long time, so I wrote to the buyer that I was going to take care of it, he replied, he definitely didn't mark my message as spam, because we communicate perfectly about the package.

He was pleased that I finally arranged for the package to move and travel to him.

Because that's abnormal, it's normal when I track packages and when I see a problem, I want to write to the buyer (rather than open a case)

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

something must have been lost in translation

because we write to the customer very intensively, 

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

Let me clarify:

I noticed that the package hadn't moved for a few days, so I asked the customer if he had received the package (it happened to me twice that the package had been delivered, but it showed that it was on its way)

He immediately replied that he didn't have the package and that he would contact his post office, I said that I would go there in person..etc

Intensive doesn't mean that I write him a lot of messages, but that he has a question and I will answer, nothing more. The last time (when Etsy sent me this notification by email, when the customer wrote back to me, he said that he was happy that I took care of everything)

That's all.

It's more of a technical problem with Etsy, because when I replied to messages, even those that were written to me or I to them (here with sellers) were automatically thrown into spam (for example, your message when I asked about the law on December 13) I had to manually check spam so that it wouldn't automatically go there.

And several people had a problem with this, they wrote to me that my reply was thrown into spam, but they didn't put it there.

Because Etsy always warned me in the chat that I should write messages with the customer on the Etsy portal, so that if a problem arises, they would see that I tried to fix it beforehand (they warned me that if I write an email, I won't see the communication and they won't be able to help - that's what the agents told me in the chat in the past and that's why I stuck to it)

sorry for my English, it's not entirely good

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

It has happened to lots of sellers that customer messages are going straight into spam.  

Hopefully one of the mods will help you. 



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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

Yes exactly, I just checked spam and replied, rather, that it can accidentally put my messages in spam, as well as customer messages. Just like we communicated with a colleague about art here on etsy and he said "God I'm sorry I'm only replying now but etsy put your message in spam and I don't know why"

thank you

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

@EtsyForumsTeam  I need help please

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!


this is only a forum for sellers,

it is not for etsy support

for etsy support go to

help - contact us, and log a call.

There forums are outsourced, the most a mod will do, is log a call for you, and close the thread,

but you can do that yourself - quicker then waiting for a mod 

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Community Maker

Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

Your post is very confusing because of the translation. If it's easier, explain in Slovak (I'm from Slovakia too) but @CraftyCornishMaids  is right, you are not going to get much help here on the forum as it's just sellers here.

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

Ježiš super, konečne tu vidim niekoho zo Slovenska.


Ide o to, že v noci mi prišiel email od Etsy, že porušujem pravidlá, lebo mám nevyžiadanú poštu. Čo je blbosť, lebo kontrolujem správy.


S jediným s kým som si písala, bol môj zákaznik, ktorý nemal aktualizaciu viac ako týžden o balíku, takže som mu napísala, či už má balík (lebo ked som žila v Nemecku, tak sa stalo, že 2x ukazovalo že je na ceste, nebola aktualizácia, ale pritom už baliky mali zákazníci doma.


Tento nemal, čo som sa ho to spýtala, tak sme to riešili, našťastie na môj nátlak na poštu balík sa pohol dalej a on mi podakoval, že som seriozna, a zachvilu od etsy email, že porušujem pravidla.


Ale s týmto mali problem viacerí predajcovia, že ich Etsy upozornilo, na nevyžiadanu poštu ako keby spam. Čo som si všimla tieto týždne, ked mne niekto napísal a hoci to nebol spam, automaticky jeho sprava išla do spamu, takisto ked som ja odpísala niekomu, išla do spamu a toto by mohol byť problém, že to Etsy zrejme umelá inteligencia, zle vyhodnocuje.


Viem že toto je len forum, ale Etsy poslednu dobu ani neodpovedá na email, etsy chat mi nefunguje 2 týždne, ked napíšem, je hlucho..a videla som že jedine je, aby som tu dávala najavo, že mam problém. Aby som opakovane písala, aby si ma všimli.

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Community Maker

Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

Priznam sa, stale trosku nechapem. Etsy vas obvinuje z toho, ze ste neodpovedali na mail alebo z toho, ze tych mailov posielate vela? V kazdom pripade, s Etsy to ide dolu vodou az par rokov a tieto technicke problemy su tu na dennom poriadku a malo kto sa docka pomoci. 
Pokial Vam Etsy nevzalo nejaku funkciu, velmi by som sa tym netrapila.


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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!


that's why I marked the mod, I know they won't help me much here, I'm just trying to get someone to inform the technical team

since Etsy doesn't respond to emails and the chat hasn't worked for 2 weeks, no one answers me there.

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

the mods won't do any more than you do

if etsy isn't replying to the called you logged, they won't reply to the call the mods log for you either

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

@ArtCollectioVonErika   This is a known issue.  Whether or not Etsy is fixing it is up in the air as to how many sellers it involves.

Your best bet is to watch the spam folder and if you see the number change, Check it.  Just respond in the spam folder.  Don't move it.

Unfortunately this is something we as sellers need to be watchful for and not rely on Etsy to take care of.  It's been happening for months and there doesn't seem to be any resolution to it.

Just watch the spam file for any possible new emails you need to take care of.

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!


unfortunately you can't call, there are only a few countries on offer and Slovakia is not among them, so I can only write emails, or chat (it doesn't work right now) or "shout" here until some MOD agent notices me and forwards my problem to the technicians.

I wouldn't be so stressed out if Etsy hadn't threatened to close my shop for this technical error (the worst thing that can happen when you know you didn't do anything)

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

all the mods do it write the e-mail for you,

your current log will get closed, and the new one will go to the bottom of the queue, and you will start from scratch again.


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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!


Don't even tell me :((( how else can I fix this problem?

I've tried everything.

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!


Ale posledné 2 týždne to tu ide brutálne dolu vodou. Ide o spravy Etsy, normálne komunikuje človek s ludmi, či zákaznikmi a zrazu pride mne email že som porušila pravidla a môžu mi zmazať účet, lebo mám "unsolicited message" - samozrejme že nemám, odpovedám všetkým. Ale skôr je problém, že moje správy hodi niekomu do spamu, komu ja píšem, pretože to iste sa posledné 2 týždne stáva aj ked niekto napíše mne. Zrazu sa čudujem, prečo mi neodpovedá ten človek a nájdem ho v spame (ale vela ludi nevie, že ich správy začalo Etsy hádzať do spamu a tak to nechaju tam nevediac) vtedy systém to vyhodnoti, že ja niekoho asi obťažujem ked ma moju správu v spame a napíše mi email o porušeni pravidiel.


Ja by som sa netrápila, keby sa mi nevyhrážali Etsy zmazanim celého účtu, za niečo čo je ich blbá technická chyba


Viem že ma nikto do spamu nedal, ale viem, že sa toto deje vela ludom, preto pozor , ked píšeš tu spravy na Etsy, lebo ani neusiš vedieť, či tvoju správu hodilo do spamu, tomu, komu píšeš.

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

I message several friends on Etsy and either my message or their message ends up in our SPAM folder.
We all have repeatedly marked "NOT SPAM" yet Etsy keeps putting our messages in spam.

This happens at least weekly and it should NOT happen again at all once we mark the message NOT spam but it does.

This has been an ongoing issue for months for a lot of sellers.

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!


Thank you, yes, that's exactly what I think is the problem. So gradually Etsy will write to everyone what it did to me? that I violated the rules and Etsy itself puts our messages in spam

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Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!

@ArtCollectioVonErika   We don't know why this is happening to some.  It is most likely not even Etsy can tease out the reason.  Programming is as much an art as science.  Sometimes there is something so small that is causing the issue but it's smallness means it gets missed.

It's unfortunate but you will need to watch the spam folder for new messages.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Etsy, unsolicited messages? this is mistake!


It sounds like the messages randomly sent to spam folder bug we've seen in the past.  Of course, I don't think Etsy ever actually acknowledged that as a bug, but it happens, randomly, unexpectedly, and sometimes repeatedly to the same person, which could result in something like this.  And then it moves on to someone else.  You'll probably need to open a support ticket, if you haven't already.  And if you have, keep messaging them daily from that same ticket.  Posting it on the forums is only helpful for advice from other sellers.   But obviously there's nothing any of us can actually do; we're all at the mercy of bots and glitches, all the time.  You can also try tagging a specific mod in this thread, and asking them to forward to the appropriate person/team.  That may get you somewhere, or it may not, but it's worth a try.  This forum stopped functioning as a place to flag bugs & glitches to the technical team, what seems like a long time ago.

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