Anyone else having issues with Etsy stats.
The visits graph works like normal but the orders, conversion and revenue don't show a graph, just blank.
Resizing the window in any direction restores the graphs.
What time period are you trying to view?
none of the different periods work, doesn't matter if its today, yesterday, last month etc
Do you have your status turned on (orange button)?
I'm not sure what you mean
My stats are not completely showing either. Yesterday I had 16 Views, 12 Visits, but only shows 1 item was viewed. Today the same thing.
I rely on which items shoppers are viewing.
This sounds like a different problem. The stats graph is blank for orders, conversion and revenue
I can see statistics only for the number of visits, not for any other category. It’s been since Sunday for me.
Ah ok, well it's good to know it's not just me. Are you using Safari on a Mac by any chance?
Same issue for me, MacBook Pro. It works fine on another MacBook. Any solutions?
Solved (sort of). I was running my screen halved between Safari (Etsy) and an Excel spreadsheet. If I made Safari full screen, the graph came back. It's back at less than full screen but glitches with the half screen view.
Hope that helps.
Resizing the window in any direction restores the graphs.
Perfect, thanks! Would not have thought to try that
It does not, on MAC.
It does fix this problem, on MacOS 14, Safari
doesn’t work on my ipad and it never was a issue before, so someone is tinkering and messing things up on the programming side
Looking at stats on ipad (landscape) orders conversion rate and revenue graph is blank, but turn it portrait and they re-appear! Turn back to landscape and they stay. Very weird!
Wouldn’t say it’s solved, but at least there is a temp work around until Etsy fixes it
Based on posts in this forum, there seem to be a significant number of CSS issues particularly on Apple devices and browsers.
I'm having this problem as well! Resizing the window does make the graph appear but it is annoying to have to do so every time I review stats. I'm using a Mac and my browser is Safari. When I switch to google chrome the graph works.