Hi there,
Almost every one of my customers for the past few months has messaged me that there was no "Note to Seller" box in which to add requests. My items are all custom-made to order and I rely on that box to give my buyers the option to make small special requests when they submit an order. To me, those little requests are the essence of Etsy's beauty. I am a real person, hand-making my customers' items and pride myself on being able to send them exactly what they want, little tweaks and all, beyond the variation selections. I also shop on Etsy frequently and like to leave notes for sellers with small requests or a simple thanks and compliment on their shop.
I just went through a mock check-out in the web version, and after 5 solid minutes of searching, found the note box hidden in the 3 dots next to the shop name, where no one would think to look. In the app, I can't find it at all (not even in the same 3-dots options).
Is there a reason why this wonderful feature has been made so difficult to find? A few intrepid customers of mine still manage to find it and leave me notes, but the rest just message me after they order and say they couldn't find the box. I then apologize for the inconvenience and copy and paste their special requests from our convo into their order as a "private note."
Please consider moving this amazing customer service tool out of the unchartered depths and back into plain site. Thank you!
Yes, This is very frustrating and makes it harder to shop!
It's such an important feature to custom shops, I don't understand why it is hidden. Nearly every item I sell is customized so I made the "personalization" box mandatory. I ask for the party date/need by date and also any customizations. Anyone who doesn't need it, just types N/A. It's not perfect, but I get very few help requests and after purchase messages.
It's absurd how they hid it like that. Etsy has changed the note box over the years. For ages it used to be an always visible note box on the main page. Then they may have "hidden" it with a PLUS sign + to add a note to seller. But at least that is more obvious than the three dots.
I didn't realize it was gone, but now that you mention it I haven't seen any recently. My only problem with it in the past was buyers would constantly leave "gift messages" in the note to seller when they notice that I didn't have the option for that. I would also get notes from people telling me they have to have it earlier than what my processing time stated. Overall though, the good outweighed the bad
I agree. The note box needs to be visible again. After they changed it, I had to come to the forum to find out where it disappeared to.
There is no way most people will ever know it is there hiding behind three dots. I agree that it is a useful feature. My customers used it at times if they did not want to message me. It would be nice if Etsy allowed shop owners to decide whether or not it appears prominently depending upon if their business relies on it. The only way around it is to do as TylerGraceCo suggested and use the personalization box. If Etsy continues to hide this feature, it may just vanish someday because their stats will show that no one is using it. Maybe that is the goal?
I have a listing up right now that requires a note from seller. The problem with Personalization is that if the customer is buying the required number of items that it takes for the listing, they get a personalization box with each purchase.
In other words, instead of a free item, they get 3 free items. Personalization doesn't work for everything.
I have directions in my listing on how to find the 3 dots, but we really shouldn't have to do that.
When I first started on Etsy almost 15 years ago, I found myself using the word "obtuse" in a way that I had never done.
"Obtuse" does not even come close now with the changes Etsy has made in order to hide things.
It's hard for a 89 year old who is still living in the On-Off era.
I just ordering something, and looked good and hard for a place to make a "note to Seller" at all stages of checkout. Could not find it, and ended up messaging the Seller the usual way. No plus sign or drop-down arrow to be found. No three dots either.
The note to seller box on the app is on the very last page of checkout. It’s kind of buried in between all the other stuff.
3 dot on the top of the right side is unable to coping and pasting items any more. I wish Etsy can fix this problem.