When searching on Etsy, I noticed that Etsy is showing the 2nd/3rd/4th photo as the main listing photo. What?!? I choose the main listing photo for a reason. Showing a different photo in its place looks awkward; often showing only one small detail. It appears that this is true for other shops as well. It is obvious that the listing photo shown in search is not the seller's choice of main listing photo. What's going on? Does everyone else see the search photos in this way too?
It's a test, not everyone sees it as you do, I'm only seeing what looks like the first photo and if they have a video, that one Hopefully this won't become permanent.
@LynnsLittleShop Hopefully it doesn't stick. I can understand Etsy wanting to show a variety of photos to keep things fresh. But some of my listings are showing as the back of the item. Etsy wants us to show details in the listing photos but showing these as the main listing photo makes no sense to the buyer unless you are inside the listing. oh Etsy, no no no!
What are they testing, how nonsensical they can be? They could have saved themselves the trouble.
One of the stupidest things I have ever seen here. If they think people will click on the "wrong" photos to see the listing, they'd better rethink that. I passed right over listings that showed the bottom of a coffee cup.
I haven't seen this until today.
What I'm seeing is when you hover over the listing in search, automatically it either
A - scrolls through all the images in the listing. (which I kind of like) OR
B - plays the video
one or the other
@LastCentury I wouldn't mind either of those options. But showing a random photo from the listing just doesn't make any sense.
I'm seeing what you are seeing and I like it. Either the video or scrolling thru all shots starting with the original photo. Sure does speed things up versus clicking into each listing.
I want to know why this wasn't announced. They need annoucements that are related to testing. It drives everyone crazy.
@EncoreEmporium Etsy used to have something in place where they would announce specific tests. But they stopped it. From what I remember, at least a couple years ago or longer.
Do they ever announce stuff?
A lot of the testing doesn't make sense to me either. Have you seen in search where the title only goes as far as the first punctuation mark? I was looking at patterns and one just had Misses for the title. Crazyness.
@LynnsLittleShop OH NOOOOO!!! Now, I see this change ("test") too! As if the photo change wasn't bad enough, now Etsy is shortening our titles too. Oh Etsy, good grief!
I'm seeing a lot of new things all at once today:
- the scrolling images when hovering.
- the shortened title cropped after the first comma or dash in the title.
- the Add to Cart button (which I don't entirely love since I want the buyer to read the description first.
- the More Like This >>> button which I also don't love.
I'm at least glad that the scrolling images don't include "you might also like" images from other shops at the same time.
@LynnsLittleShop @UptownGirlGallery Oh yeah, I came across that one today (I am in the test). I never make changes when tests are going on, but I couldn't leave my Titles as I saw them (cut off after my first comma. Even mousing over did not show the entire Title; it was gone). The only Titles I saw in their entirety were those of other Sellers which had no punctuation. So I removed the commas in all of my Titles. I don't like doing that, but I couldn't leave it. Now all of my Titles show.
I saw many chopped off Titles, and I'm certain the Seller has no idea. One said "Boo". Another said "5"'. With all due respect, that test makes zero sense.
I'm seeing the same as LastCentury stated above. But I've seen Threads re: the photos shown are as you described. Sellers choose which photo they want to be the thumbnail. But to choose a random photo and put it in the first slot doesn't make sense (especially if it's the back of an item and so forth). Regardless, it's not what the Seller chose.
I realize testing is necessary so sites aren't stagnant. But I never understand when it's done just for the sake of changing something; when the test just doesn't make sense. Just my opinion.
@ChillwolfArt - And especially at this time of the year!
@ChillwolfArt - Exactly! I saw one seller's title showing only the word "sale". This makes no sense whatsoever!
WHY doesn't this forum FIX the nesting!!!
@DaysLongGone To a Buyer, it looks like the Seller purposely wrote the Title that way. They don't know about this and that test. They probably think it looks like a mistake on the Seller's part.
Half the photos in search are a HOT MESS!
Sooooooooooooooooooooooo very thankful this place is not my primary income. Much needed income, but not primary.
We have to guess what is a glitch and what is a test! I can't believe a site this large can get away with all they do regarding all types of communications with the sellers.
@ChillwolfArt - I agree! I can't believe they are testing this. Etsy is all over the place with things that just don't make sense.
Success is more a function of consistent common sense than it is of genius. — An Wang
This is why Etsy is struggling. No common sense.
♪♪ This is the way we hop and jump......when we go to the playground ♪♪
Some sites tell you right from the get-go when you sign up that they reserve the right to choose which pics are displayed as the main one or the order in which they appear; some sites even say in their terms that they will enhance pics if they think it necessary, as well as tinker with the descriptions.
IMO Etsy is studying everything that other sites do and testing what sounds good to them, all in an effort to increase sales which are lagging.
Also IMO, based on the above, there will be ever-increasing meddling coming to our shops in the future.
Now if they'd just abandon their stubborn and misguided approach to implementing their 3-prong search rubbish and go back to showing what people are looking for instead of showing blue hats when a person searches for a vintage blues record, then they might actually see sales increase.
Alas, as I've said before, it'll take new management for that.