no ETA on a fix yet , but they are aware of
no one is monitoring the forums due to weekend and Easter
How do you know they are working on it?
I have the chat function and I asked
"no one is monitoring the forums due to weekend and Easter"
I want to know how you know this part.
Can we expect a weekend of chat parties, popcorn threads and trainwrecks?
*stealthily grabs @OneEyeCatStudio , sticks a silly hat on her head, and legs it before she notices*
Don't have too much fun. There'll be someone pulling a weekend shift and just waiting to pounce.
I thought Etsy chat was outsourced, hopefully I am wrong and they are indeed working on it
It is outsourced but even if not I would assume 'they are working on it' a standard evasive reply.
@CryzalisDesigns - They are outsourced but should be in contact the team who can fix the problem.
Nobody is home on weekends at Etsy. They are out there buying candy and stuff for Easter Dinner. They are not working on the stats problem.
Thanks @NanaLetha that is reassuring at least they are aware of it
Shouldn't they respond within 24 hours about the problem, and then create a fix within 48 or we can open a case against them, lol
Love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL !!!
This is too funny!!
Etsy responding within 24hrs? you are funny
At the top of the page, there is a drop down menu for, Pattern and All Channels. This morning I changed from all channels to and stats appeared. Just now I changed form to all channels, and the stats appeared again. I don't know how accurate they are, but it shows the one sale I had today. If you refresh the page it goes back to No Stats, and then you have to switch channels again. However the "visits' column on mine says 5 hours ago.
It says 5 hours ago on my phone also, which I always find more accurate than my dashboard stats. For once phone and dashboard stats are exactly the same.
Yes, this sounds like a crossed programming display issue. The information is there but the display is mixed up.
I have been seeing this for well over a month and a half. "They" are definitely making some type of changes and their so called engineers are screwing it up again OR their test teams are. I just wish they would fix what is broken for a change and stop all the baseless testing.
Here's the announcement by an etsy community specialist
They have more important things to think about.. like planning their next bring your dog to work day or making baked good at work day. You know.. the important stuff. (sarcasm)
Ignore me, sorry; deleted my post. SugarTaffySoap already posted Admin ampersay's response fr. 5 hours ago.
NOW how can we have a good trainwreck?