I’m trying to print my packing slips and an error keeps coming up that states if this keeps happening contact Etsy support. Is anyone else getting this message or know how to correct it. I can not find a way to contact Etsy support. It just keeps sending me in circles.
Someone was complaining about that earlier..or yesterday. Try another browser or if you are on the app..don't use the app.
I printed one Friday morning without issue.
Yes, I get the unable to print error when I try to print from the app on my iPhone or iPad. I have now had to go back to printing it out from my computer. I do hope they fix it as it was much easier printing the packing slips this way for me.
Yes, desktop is fine, contact support fro my phone and ipad. Not efficient if I’m on the run.
I have been having this problem for the past week on the Etsy app, I have to press the print button about 6-10 times for it to work. The desktop app seems to work fine.
Ditto. Wouldn’t be a problem if you could contact support like it say…
I am having same problem. No where to go for help with Etsy non existent support
You’re not alone. I’m having same issue from the app. Started in the past week. Thought it would resolve, but still going on. Looking all around for Etsy support- I hope somebody sees this and forward it to some sort of support team.
Having the same problem. Only have an iPad and impossible to contact support! Very annoying
Same here! Not able to find support or way for Etsy to help. Cannot even contact this crappy support team for help.
Yes. I’m getting the same error. I’ve had this happen in the past but if I kept sending to print it would eventually work. This time around it’s not working and I’m getting the message to contact the non-existent support team.
Same here
I had the issue a few weeks ago but was using a desktop Mac running Chrome. Got an error code, contacted support and they were NO help at all. She attempted to instruct me as to how to print out a label. I told her to escalate the issue and was told I would receive an email, which I did. By that time I found a work around which was to print the packing slip from the "completed orders" page.
Etsy admits there are numerous issues using their app, so I can not understand why some sellers still use it for some things, use a browser instead.
Not a practical solution when you use a thermal printer that only connects via phone app
Yes doing the same thing it won’t print so just going to Etsy.com on my phone and print from there just started happening
I am getting the exact same error. Were you able to find a resolution?
I have always had issues with this, but usually you can get it to finally work after like three or four attempts now it officially will not work in the app at all for the last three or four days
Yes, I am getting the exact same error. There is currently no way to fix this/!”and Etsy support is not contactable.
I am having the same problem …..contacting Etsy Support is extremely difficult . Hope someone on here knows how to fix this issue.
I found a article yesterday from someone saying they had contacted Etsy and they were aware of the printing problem and are planning to have it fixed this week and we’re updating the app but I tried yesterday still no print so we shall see.
Another one having this problem. I’m trying to print from the website, not the app, on my iPad and every time I press print it force opens the app for me to print from there which doesn’t work. I don’t know how to stop it forcing open the app!
It’s driving me up the wall at the moment, having to print Packing Slips from my laptop ! Really hope this gets sorted quickly , as it can really slow down the packing process for me !
Still getting error message Friday June 28-forced to send packages without a packing slip. That is where I post my thankyou discount for repeat buyers. Hope Etsy gets this resolved!!