Inspiration Seeker

Erreur top vendeur


Ma boutique est madeByEfki.

J'ai perdu ce mois ci le badge top vendeur.

La raison invoquée par la plateforme : je n'aurait d'étiquette de suivi que pour 90% de mes commandes.

Or, sur la période concernée, j'ai 100% de mes commandes qui font l'objet d'un suivi.

Est-il possible de corriger cette erreur s'il vous plaît ?


Boutique MadeByEfki

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Re: Erreur top vendeur

@MadeByEfki  :  This is a seller peer to peer forum, not a way to contact Etsy, if that is your hope (although Etsy does sometimes post here). Unfortunately, Etsy had made it clear that they will not manually adjust Star Seller data.


Have you checked the appropriate CSV file to see which orders Etsy thinks were shipped late or without tracking? If the shipper is supported by Etsy make sure that the shipped date, tracking number and shipping company show correctly on the actual order. Etsy relies on a third party vendor for tracking (and tracking number validation) and uses the data on the order. Have the packages been scanned?

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