My notification emails for messages from the Etsy platform from other users used to show the content of the message in the email. I could read the message in the email, then later I could go to my etsy dashboard and reply.
Suddenly, I am only getting a message saying "you have a message from so-and so, view and reply" and I have to go to Etsy to read it. This extra step is frustrating for my work flow.
Is there a way to bring back the old way?
There have been multiple forum posts about your issue. You need to contact Etsy and ask them to change it back. Forums is just other sellers, we can't change the emails back to the prior format. And no, you can't either.
I am aware of how forums work and who uses the forums. I hoped there was a Settings workaround. I was not able to find other "multiple" forum posts or I would not have posted my question. Thanks for the super helpful and kind reply though.
Did you find the solution?
You may already know this (if so, disregard). *I'm on the same desktop computer I always use, Chrome, Windows 10 ( also never use the app).
(Reason I'm telling you, the following info may vary on whatever device, browser you are using):
Re-check the following just in case something got jigged:
(Your Avatar, top Right on Etsy) > Your Acct. > Settings > Emails:
I have the following checked:
- Someone sends me a Message
- I send a Message
"Save Settings" at bottom of pg.
(Maybe it got toggled off, whatever. Or it's still checked)
Hope this helps you.
I'm having the same issue.. I have had 4 messages from the same buyer, when I try to read them from my dashboard the content is missing. The first line of the message shows in the inbox but as of now I have no way to access the rest of the message. I have my email preferences set to get "conversation" notifications, but only received one email notification for the first message/conversation sent from the buyer.
There are 2 other threads regarding this issue. The Etsy moderator has closed both saying this issue has been resolved.. IT HASN'T for my shop.
Trying to connect with Tech Support IMPOSSIBLE as the result is consistently a "hiccup or whoopsie" error message. Not having a way to contact Tech Support is not a 'hiccup' and the term 'whoopsie' as an excuse for a major flaw in Etsy's functionality? Sounds more like hiding and ignoring..
I did send an email (the response rate guesstimate is 2 days).. But chances are really good Etsy will bail.. the last time I never received anything but the immediate auto generated generic response and an additionally benign generic message repeating all the same information on their help page.. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
Odd - just checked our eMail copy of messages / convos and they contain the text of that message. One of our beefs about this improvement is now that the messages are all being lumped into a single thread, the subject line embedded in the body of the message continues to be the subject line of the original message in that thread - almost always misleading now.
I did get an email for the first of 4 messages from the same buyer. The entire message contained in the email. There were no subsequent emails for the other 3 messages she sent.
I switched back to using Safari. Even though it is outdated it performs better than Firefox in this situation. With Safari I can read the entire message by hovering the cursor over the preview in the "inbox".. That doesn't work with Firefox.
If only tech companies weren't so stupidly competitive with rolling out their newer and shinier functionality improvements and spent more time on universal integration... Of course the current path of the world is still stuck in the rut of "planned obsolescence" and marketing everything as newer and better (than what?)..
@busterbeanknows - I stopped using all browsers except for Safari and never have problems.
@busterbeanknows Totally agree with you. I think that sometimes programmers and their bosses forget that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. A shiny new feature might sound great but if it is not sufficiently tested (against, for example, the browsers that the majority of users have) it leads to nothing but problems. Particularly if the people who make the changes do not actually use their creations. Changes for the sake of change with no clear articulable reason for being made is a road to disaster for the end user.