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Digital artwork dpi please help.

We should go for pixel size or dpi?

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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.


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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

The pixel size and dpi should be suitable for the end use of the digital artwork e.g. social media graphics, website graphics, design elements, small prints, large prints, etc.

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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

It's useful to include both pixel dimensions (for on screen applications) plus physical size and output dpi for printing. Industry standard for printing is 300dpi (min.) with an output of around A4-A3 (US letter-tabloid).

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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

Dpi depends on intended viewing distance. The dpi required is set by the angle of arc that is discernible by human vision.


Lawrence (Clare's other half)

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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

"Printed on high-quality paper, this artwork is ready to be framed and displayed in your living room, office, or bedroom. Get your one-of-a-kind penguin art today and bring a touch of the Arctic to your home."

also"Instant Download"

This is one of your digital prints.  If someone buys that wanting a physical copy, you will have a crabby review.  You might want to fix that.

Is there IP protection for Midjourney?


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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

what is this about?

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

The term "dpi" stands for "dots per inch," and it refers to the resolution of an image. When it comes to digital artwork, the dpi determines how sharp and clear the image will appear when printed.

For most printing purposes, it's recommended to use a dpi of at least 300. This will ensure that the details in your artwork are preserved when printed and that the image appears sharp and clear. For large-format printing, such as posters or banners, a higher dpi may be needed to maintain image quality.

It's also important to keep in mind that the dpi of an image may affect its file size. Higher dpi images will generally have larger file sizes than lower dpi images, so it's a balance between image quality and file size.

When saving your digital artwork, make sure to choose a high-resolution format, such as TIFF or PNG, and specify the dpi you want to use. This will help ensure that your artwork prints correctly and looks its best.

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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

Guess I just learned about midjourney AI.  Some will call it a pandora's box.  I love creating my own artwork and do not like to compile high tech with it.  There is something called ethic and not taking from others their work.  So many items on Etsy are stolen work.  Eric Carle art being one that is frustrating to see.  

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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

You are obviously selling AI generated stuff and that is unethical. You obviously also don't have any experience at all with art or design whatsoever if you are asking questions like that. You're one of thousands other new 'artists' who are on Midjourney writing a few words/prompts down and with one click of button, 'masterpieces' are simply spitted out within a few seconds. People like you are destroying the lives of people who actually must have some skills to make anything at all considering digital art and who earn a living with their work. My sales dropped because of people like you who want easy money. 
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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

What did I miss in this conversation?  Whatever it was I totally agree with you.  I spend countless hours on my work and hope my viewers  understand these aren't loosely veiled sketches using an underlying photo like some of the "Family Portrait  art!


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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.


We all have different approaches to creating art or at least products that people will still love to buy. I'm using more different styles to create my work. Sometimes my vector work is done from scratch, sometimes I make 'watercolor' work using photographs that I'm allowed to use and sell after significant modifications. During modifications I use my own set of filters, my own real painted watercolor textures/splashes on paper that were scanned and turned into digital brushes. I actually must have some knowledge to work with software that I use to destroy photographs to make something that is mine. Some artists find easier ways to make impressive art while using their own tools. Some like to do work from scratch. I like both, depending on what I do, but I don't cheat thinking that writing a few words into an AI generator will make me become an artist. It's not even about art, it's about the skill that people here have to create something meaningful that takes time, creativity, effort etc. AI generators are not tools... it's not even mixing other people's work and doing your own collage. It's something machine made based on your instructions and now you claim it's your own work. It would be like giving instructions to an artist on what you would like a painting to look like and after the artist paints it, you say that you will not pay for his work because it's actually your own work because you guided him by telling him what you want.
It's such a twisted mindset. 
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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

I don't think you should be so blatant in your accusations above, but it would be rare for a person producing artwork of that caliber would not know about DPI's

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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.


I was on Midjourney (AI generator) and I know how it works and how it looks. It's actually very easy to recognize AI generated stuff, especially when sellers publish many products every day. It all looks almost the same with that watercolor effect. Sure, I might be wrong about this particular case and that's always a possibility, but I think that it's easy for everyone to recognize AI generated stuff when they know what to look for. It's also very important for artists like you to become aware of what is going on and that we are unfortunately already replaced by hundreds of people publishing AI generated stuff on Etsy. It all started in November/December last year. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

AI-generated art is not 'stealing' or unethical. It is a new and legitimate form of artistic expression, enabled by powerful new technologies. Just as photography, digital art, and other innovations expanded the boundaries of art in their time, so too does AI art represent an exciting creative frontier.

Those creating AI art put in their own efforts by crafting unique prompts, curating the outputs, and applying their artistic sensibilities. The AI models are tools, just like a brush or camera. Claiming this 'spits out masterpieces' with a single click is dismissive of the real skill involved.

Rather than trying to stifle this new art form out of fear, the creative community should embrace it. AI can inspire new ideas, styles, and opportunities for human artists. It expands boundaries rather than destroying livelihoods. There is room for both traditional and AI-assisted art to coexist and enrich our world.

We should be encouraging exploration of AI's creative potential in a responsible way, not engaging in unproductive accusation and technophobia. Open your mind to how AI can empower artists, not threaten them. This dismissive stance holds back inevitable progress.

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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

I like to be ethical.

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Re: Digital artwork dpi please help.

I would use 300 dpi for best quality. Lots of people still use 72 dpi, but I wouldn't. 72 dpi will look like cr*p if blown up very big. Most modern computer monitors use 96 dpi these days. Pixel measurements are still important so it will fit right on your product. dpi and pixels are not the same thing. If you are using a higher dpi setting, you will need more pixels in the picture to achieve a high resolution print at the same size as a low dpi print.

If you are using AI generated art,  you should at least correct the errors it makes. Like unicorns are supposed to have one horn, not two. And watch for hands with 7 fingers, etc.

If you are using AI art, you will have to use another special program to enlarge them without losing too much quality, or they won't look good when printed. As they come from Midjourney and other AI programs, they might be big enough for a cup, for example, but not big enough for a shirt or shower curtain or poster. If you are using a POD to print  your items, it should tell you if the picture you are using is high enough resolution for the product you are trying to create.

Pictures of random people in general don't sell very well, unless it is a picture of the buyer. You might sell an odd  one here and there, but they are not a popular item. Same for square pictures. They are not the preferred size. How many homes have you been in that have square art? It is usually landscape or portrait dimensions.

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