Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

The dashboard tracking seems to have a  mind of it's own, despite using the same delivery companies it is a lottery which tracking updates. Some orders remain in transit or pre-transit despite them being delivered and reviews have been left.

As I have been reading more of such issues these past couple of weeks I thought it would be a good idea to contact Etsy regarding the tracking in the dashboard as it could potentially affect issues for some in the future.

 So the contact with Etsy was going well, provided the order numbers which had been delivered but remain in transit.

Then she would not escalate it to be fixed unless I provided (for security) my current shop balance, my last digits of the account and the email for my paypal account. 

I mentioned that this seemed rather odd especially as we have seen a spate of sellers reporting hacked accounts and would not feel comfortable handing these details over to someone in Etsy Chat (who let's be honest could be anyone)

She assured me that it is perfectly safe and accounts do not get hacked!

I thanked her all the same for her time and closed the chat, I will just have to continue making copies of proof of delivery and keep them on file.

Am I being to cautious?

Would you have handed over these details over to someone in chat to have tech look into a bug regarding tracking?

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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

WOW Etsy support/chat has been known to give a few stinky bits of info but that is downright yuck. No I definitely would not have handed over that info, completely unnecessary to the problem as well as just generally bad. 'accounts don't get hacked' is straight out lies.

That said, I've found the same issue myself - several of last week's parcels say delivered but they also say 'ships tomorrow' when they shipped the day before.

I'd email Etsy themselves instead of going through the chat, hopefully one of the mods here can at least report it's being looked into.

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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

I emailed them in the past regarding this and nothing has come from it.

But this just made me feel uncomfortable as like you said it has nothing to do with the problem.

I remember a conversation I had with a friend years ago who worked for the police regarding security (home security alarms etc..) 

He said you would never believe how many staff from the security companies are the ones given out the security numbers to undesirables for a nice fee.

Another example more recent which was actually a large scandal in the Netherlands, staff at the government covid centres where selling all our details and we all know these are all our ID details, they initially blamed it on hackers but it turned out to come from staff, this is still ongoing with solicitors 

Not saying this could happen here but rather be safe than sorry

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Betreff: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit


Yes, I have been asked details before, and gave them, because they can see these details anyways, they are just comparing them, to know it's you.

They can't do anything with your current balance, nor the last 4 digits.

I was not asked for my PP, but for my email, which is standard routine if they want to send you a ticket from a specialized team.

Are you sure they didn't ask for your email?

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Betreff: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

They asked for my last 4 account digits, the amount currently showing in my shop balance and the email associated to my paypal account


In addition as I was speaking with them and provided my order numbers I would assume they have all this information in front of them 

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Betreff: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit


yes, they do, and they want to see if the person knows them as well!


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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

@CryzalisDesignsI don't think you were in any way too cautious. I have never heard of Etsy asking for that type of information to verify identity and I would report this incident to Etsy. I hope others read this and I do appreciate you posting it.

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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit


very often. They also ask permission to go into your account and manually adjust delivery.

Maybe this is an EU thing, Chryzalis and I are in the EU.


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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

@CloversFinds when I have been in touch with them before I was never asked for these details either. I was asking about an obvious ongoing tracking glitch on some orders. No disrespect to their customer service but how do I know they are working in an Esty office or are staff hired in through a 3d party agency on temporary basis?

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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

@CryzalisDesignsI'm not positive but I thought I read here somewhere in the forums that the Etsy customer service folks were all outsourced and not actually Etsy employees...maybe someone reading this post can add...

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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

I had the same issue with order seeing pre-transit. I emailed and I chatted with somebody. I don’t remember what information I had to give but I received an email a couple days later telling me that the tracking numbers were “technically bogus”. I was seriously taken aback since I use and all my orders are picked up by USPS from my studio. When I searched the tracking numbers via, they were on the  way to their  destination. Now I understand there might’ve been some glitch going from to Etsy but to be told my tracking numbers were not genuine really irked me 



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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

I must be missing something. The OP accepts Etsy Payments. Why would Etsy want the email address of their Pay Pal account? I'd think there may be a few people out there who have never even used Pay Pal. 

And it's not as if the request was to change a bank account or any of the information Etsy had on file that pertains to the financial or front end operation of their shop. 
All they wanted was the tracking information to display the real status of orders. Since others have mentioned that this information appears to affect Star status, and there is now a Star filter in search, imo it stands to reason that shop owners want accurate data.  

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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

exactly, which is why it gave me an uneasy feeling and closed chat.

Regarding affecting star seller status I am not 100% sure it affects everyone the same.

I have

100% on-time dispatch & tracking

100% Message response 

5.0 average rating 

and 100% on every other requirement from day one

So in my case all these transit and pre-transit stuck in de dashboard have not affected my stats

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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

Hopefully one of the moderators can highlight this tracking issue with tech, I would really appreciate it

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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit


we have similar tracking issues in Germany.

We select DHL for international orders, and after marking it shipped, the carrier usually jumped to Deutsche Post and it stays on Pre-transit.

We have to manually edit the tracking to DHL...




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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

I use both DHL express or Postnl international 3 s on occasion DPD 

Another thing I noticed in tracking when you add the tracking number and the postnl international 3s and click complete, when you check your order it has jumped to postnl international and remains on pre-transit, so I go back in and edit it back to postnl international 3s .. few minutes after it changes to transit. % of the orders change to delivered upon delivery others just remain in transit for the foreseeable future.

I am still not handing over all those details to some stranger in chat for them to highlight or even fix the problem, I will just deal with it

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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

I've handed over those details via email, but wouldn't feel comfortable in chat. At least by email we have a record, but we don't with chat. Still, with email, if the conversation is more than one back and forth, the Rep name always changes and you never seem to get the same person twice which also makes one feel uneasy because then the new Rep has to read through ALL the emails just to find out what the issue is.

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Re: Delivered parcels continue showing as Pre-transit or Transit

@CloversFinds yes you are right that has been mentioned on the forum before about it being outsourced, it would explain why customer service staff provide false or incorrect information, whilst others do not know what they talking about

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