After my listing was on for over a month it has disappeared from the shop and categorized as deactivated. If it was a violation I got no information from Etsy. I am able to reactivate it and it stays on for over an hour and then gets deactivated. What is the technical glitch. I have so far heard nothing from Etsy about fixing this issue. Any input from the community would be appreciated.
Does it have a red banner across it? If so Etsy deactivated it. You cannot reactivate anything Etsy has deactivated.
The email may be delayed or your emai provider may not forward the email.
Check to see if you used terms such as amber or ivory, Havanna brown. Is it a swastika? Etsy will review to make sure it is not the Nazi symbol but a religious one which is allowed.
Any chance diamonds or jade were used? Depending on where the gemstones are from they can be banned.
If no email appears contact Etsy using Contact us under Help.
None of these apply. It was listed for over a month and I am able to reactivate it. It stays up an hour or so and then gets deactivated. Thanks for your time and input
If it happens immediately, it is 99% of the time a prohibited word or item.
What was the listing for and what title/tags did you use?
This listing was up for over a month. There is no word that is prohibited.
Title Vibrant Red Agate and Brass Jewelry Set, Cloisonne Flower Focal Bead, Magnetic Clasp, Matching Red Beads Leather Earrings, Unique Gift Ideas
The Red Agate and Brass Spacer Beads bracelet is offered as a gift set with matching Red Beads light weight dangle earrings on triangular leather findings. The bracelet uses a low profile magnetic clasp for ease of wear. There is a diamond shape White Flower Cloisonne Focal Bead in the bracelet and matches the theme of the gift set.
Dimensions: Bracelet 7 "; Red Agate Beads: 5 mm X 3 mm; Brass Space Beads: 6 mm X 5 mm; Diamond Shape Cloisonne Medallion: 20 mm X 10 mm. Red wheat shape Beads: 10 mm X 3 mm; Triangular Leather Findings: 30 mm X 10 mm.
Care: Wipe with soft cloth and store in tarnish proof container.
All 13 - Thanks for your time and input
You have a few listings that show up when searching for ivory. A couple of them have the words ivory and bone in the title. Did the deactivated listing also use those 2 words?
No indeed. Thanks for your time and input
Title: Vibrant Red Agate and Brass Jewelry Set, Cloisonne Flower Focal Bead, Magnetic Clasp, Matching Red Beads Leather Earrings, Unique Gift Ideas
@ModAngie - can you help this seller?
I would leave this alone. if you continue to relist a deactivated or deleted item they will shut your shop down. You will most likely not hear from etsy , it was pegged by the bots , just move on
Something to do with the magnetic clasp maybe? I think Etsy prohibits selling small magnets as children can swallow them.
This is absolutely it.
Other jewelry supply sellers have reported exactly the same problem.
Strong magnets are not allowed to be sold, as they can be very dangerous to human health.
@BEADEDNECKLACESHOPPE @KKbraceletsandmore @PlatypusDream Yes, it is probably the clasp, as some types of magnets are banned in some countries.
I had one taken down in December, but it is back up now after I got someone to look at it.
I've never seen magnetic clasps that meet the strength requirements of the ban, but Etsy's bot often takes things down that are allowed.
You should have received an email about this - check your spam folder.
Thanks every one. I had a dangle earring deactivated - it has been listed for over 3 years. Here it is.
Appreciate any input
I will remove the word magnetic from the listing
No one can click on that link since it goes to "your" shop manage/listing page.
If the item is deactivated, no one can see it but you.
Did you use Havana, Ivory, Tiffany, Cuba, Russia or any other words that would be problematic?
@BEADEDNECKLACESHOPPE removing the word magnetic is not necessarily going to help, because Etsy has associated the word with the listing.
You need to get Etsy to clear the listing for you. That could take months. Be persistent.
@BEADEDNECKLACESHOPPE: We can only speculate on what the trigger was that flagged your listing. The reason can be anything from a 'prohibited' word in your title, description, or tags, to a non-conforming primary image, to being misclassified in core details, to intellectual property infringements, and lot in between. Or even something as 'simple' as the primary image was found on another site and Etsy thinks you are reselling.
"... it has been listed for over 3 years." Unfortunately immaterial. False positives aside, Etsy let a lot of violations slide for a very long time, and now with the recent rule changes it is clear that Etsy has stepped up enforcement of the rules.
Just so you know, any Etsy URL with "/your/" can only be accessed by the shop it belongs to.
Thanks - I will see what Etsy has to say - one time they said I cannot sell Amber and then they apologized for the mistake. I did not list it again. I have contacted them and hope to get a reply of some type,
Ok. Thanks