Customer wants money of after purchase

A lady purchased a tv unit which was free delivery (I included delivery in price) the next day she purchased a small table from me. Delivery is £70 she then gave me her number as asked for the couriers and for it to be delivered together,which is fine! After she messaged me trying to get it cheaper as both pieces of furniture are turning up together. The couriers charge me per item £120 for both.shes now accusing me of putting free delivery just to sale and pocketing the rest which isn't the case! I still pay for delivery. It does state in my policy no refunds.

Please help as I'm not sure of what do??

Kim x


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9 Replies

Re: Customer wants money of after purchase

I'm a little confused so let me see if I have this correct.  You had one item with free delivery.  She bought a second item with 70 pounds delivery and wants them both shipped together.  The carrier is charging you either 120 pound or 240 pounds for both items. She is accusing you of pocketing the difference and wants it back.  I would tell her she agreed to pay for shipping for the second item and you can cancel the order if she no longer wants it under those conditions.  But I wouldn't be refunding anything and I would get rid of any more items that have free delivery to prevent this in the future.

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Re: Customer wants money of after purchase

If she is 'accusing' you of anything I would cancel and refund on both orders.  If she is being like this now, she could be worse after receiving her items.  Go with your gut.

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Re: Customer wants money of after purchase

It does state in my policy no refunds.

There is nowhere in policies to put no refunds, there is a place where you can accept returns or not

As you are in the UK - you have to accept returns, they don't have to give a reason for returns, and you have to refund in full, including shipping.

If you don't specify you accept returns, they have up to 1 year to ask for a refund in full, and as you don't accept returns, they don't have to return it.

You need to read up on UK online selling law

1. put in 30 day return policy on all your listings

2, add a right to withdraw policy, and a privacy policy - from - settings - policy settings
and add your address and e-mail address in sellers details, and tick the "trader" not personal, from your main shop page - edit, scroll down to the bottom, edit and save


often couriers will do a deal on furniture delivery, if you send 2 items together


You can't legally cancel the order and refund, only the customer has the right to withdraw from the contact, the seller doesn't
The seller can change when the contract is formed, in their right to withdraw policy, to be on dispatch, not purchase, but as you haven't got a right to withdraw policy, you can't legally cancel and refund

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Re: Customer wants money of after purchase

I agree that it may be best to cancel this transaction and refund the customer - chances are this won't be the end of issues with this customer unfortunately.

Also, make sure your return policies are compliant with your country's laws as @CraftyCornishMaids stated.

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Re: Customer wants money of after purchase

If the customer is aware of their rights, they may just keep the item and demand a full refund at the same time.

Sellers soon abide by the returns law when this happens once or twice.

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Betreff: Customer wants money of after purchase


your items are beautiful!

If you still have both items,  I personally would cancel both orders, if you are going to lose a lot of money, because you might loose even more.

In my experience, transactions that become difficult very early, will go down in flames later.

If I get accused of fraud, or pocketing money, this person has stepped over my boundaries and I see no fundament for any further cooperation.

A good excuse is necessary, because as CraftyCornishMaids said, there are laws.

But when it was necessary, once or twice, I found excuses that allowed me to respectfully and peacefully withdraw and that were acceptable to the buyer as well.

We are allowed not to feel comfortable with a buyer, we are not gluttons for punishment.

This buyer will think twice what she says to the next seller.


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Re: Customer wants money of after purchase

If you haven't shipped, cancel.  Buyers who are unreasonably demanding on the front end are usually equally unreasonable and demanding on the back-end.  Giving in to her demands may end up costing you more than both sales combined.  

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Re: Customer wants money of after purchase

I definitely agree with what was said above, but especially as the first commenter said to get rid of the free delivery on some items and not others. I tried free shipping for a while, and it never helped my sales at all, and I had one of my least pleasant sales experiences with a woman who pleaded for free shipping up front. In fact, I only ever had the one negative experience to remember that time in my sales period from, and nothing positive like a huge jump in sales, lol. Now I charge shipping on everything and I’d recommend that for anyone wondering if free shipping were worth it.

Your buyer clearly doesn’t know what it costs to ship in the real world. I think it might be safest for you to cancel your orders. If you cancel first, which automatically refunds, you may save yourself from the buyer being able to leave a review on either order at this point. And, as also pointed out, you need to make sure your return policies are compliant with all laws of your own country and any country you ship to. Having those policies be “unlawful” for either your own country or the one you’re shipping to, or both, could result in Etsy automatically refunding the customer from your pocket if your buyer opens a case against you. For that reason alone, I’d definitely consider cancelling this buyer’s orders: just because the return policy or stating “no returns” might cause a problem for you.

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Re: Customer wants money of after purchase

Hi thank you everyone, never posted anything before and this was a great help! Luckily we both agreed to cancel and refund both items which will prob put another hold on my account! If I'm not getting problems with couriers it's with customers!

Thank you everyone x

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