Is it possible Etsy is saying my sugar skull ornaments show "free shipping" on her search page? I have them listed as $4.25 to ship with free shipping over $35. I told her if she purchases over $35 I will credit her. She already purchase one small item. When I do a search myself it says nothing about free shipping...but maybe because I am the one searching? Could it say free shipping over $35 and she is confused?
Well, it seems to be a glitch! More and more people are telling me this. I tried to get help through chat & waited 20 minutes with no response. I then tried through email and they closed my case within minutes!
It will say free shipping (over $35). So she missed it. Or it's possible she is an etsy insider. Don't know how it shows for them.
I checked a few of the listings, and it shows the shipping cost. When I add items over 50$ there is still a shipping cost
Now that is strange!!! Thanks for checking!
I did a search and found you on page one for "Thanksgiving turkey ornament" and no "free shipping" is showing.
Edited to add: Ditto your Sugar Skull ornaments, no free shipping shown.
Some people don't realize there are numerous shops on Etsy, or get confused between shops.
Thanks, This is what I am thinking!
I looked. Free shipping showed up if you bought the 2 items shown on the right side of the page. Under the description, it showed your shipping cost and in lighter print showed the $35 amount.
I did a search. They are not showing up as free shipping for me either. Perhaps, as others have stated, the customer is remembering the “free shipping for orders over a certain amount” tag?
Is your customer using a desktop or the mobile app? For a while there was some weirdness (I don't know if its still going on) where items would display "free shipping" even while in the cart but then when the customer went to checkout, they would all of a sudden see the shipping charge. This was happening in the app only
I will check, thanks!
I am apparently part of the Etsy Insider test so maybe you are too. I have had a couple orders come through with 0.00 shipping because it was paid by Etsy. sighhhhhhhhhhhh
She was charged shipping!
Shops are not in the Etsy Insider test -- all shops are participating, because Etsy is covering the shipping fee for Insiders. You still received the shipping money. It was just paid by Etsy instead of the customer. The customer's receipt will show $0 for shipping because the customer didn't pay any shipping, due to being an Insider.
I had something similar week before last. Buyer did not understand that her cart had items from multiple shops. One of the shops had free shipping and thought that applied to all of the shops in her cart. She was a guest. It is confusing for some.
Well, it seems to be a glitch! More and more people are telling me this. I tried to get help through chat & waited 20 minutes with no response. I then tried through email and they closed my case within minutes!