To begin, I only have a few of my listings accepting offers. The majority of my listings I do not. While reviewing my listings recently, I'm finding that all of them have been changed to accept offers in the editing mode of the listing. They are not saving if I manually change them. I contacted customer service regarding this problem. They told me to clear my cache and cookies which I did. Nothing happened. They also told me to go to my Marketing/Sales and Discounts and look under "Drive traffic and Move Inventory" section. It shows correctly in there but in the editing mode for a listing it should also be toggled to off when I choose this. I change it. Save it. Go out and come back in and again it's in the "On" position. It's not reflected under the Marketing but still this needs to be fixed. They told me it had been but still no luck getting this technical glitch fixed. I do not want to accept offers on listings I do not want it on. This needs to be fixed!
I'm having the same problem. It shows one listing where I accept offers. I tried everything and I can't turn it off.
Please be sure to report it and you will need to be very precise on where it is not turning it off. They are only seeing it under the Marketing section when we are see it under the listing edits of each listing.
@ConniesCrochets I was finally able to stop make an offer by editing the individual listing. I was trying under marketing where it says you can edit - evidently that's not true!
There are two make an offer. The one is only found in the listing and that pertains to that listing alone.
The other is offering listings together as an offer.
I think chat was probably confused as there are two places for this which are different yet use similar wording,
You need to turn off the make offer in the listing. Are you using browser or app? Use browser.
I checked your shop and looked at several listings. I did not see any make offer at all. If you want us to check tell us which ones have the make offer.
It's fine in my shop so this may be needle in a haystack time as to why you are experiencing this.
These two areas need to be syncable to reflect the same in both areas. If they function separately, it defeats the purpose entirely. I'm using the browser also. In my opinion, it can't pertain to all the listings but not the individual listings alone. That doesn't make sense.