Core details on listing

Tonight I found my listing is not complete showing up for a new item.  It says to fill out core details but nothing there.  Please fix this.  Thanks

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Re: Core details on listing

@BeadMedleyBoutique I had that problem the other day trying to renew a listing that had expired and it wouldn't let me. I tried everything I could think of and then my son tried and couldn't find what they were wanting either. Gave up that day finally. Today was working on renewing some others and there was that one in active listings and I hadn't done anything else to it. That same day I had done some new listings with no problems. I know this doesn't help you now. I'm convinced some of this works when it wants to and not at other times.

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Re: Core details on listing

Tried again this morning.  Listing core details is the issue and it ends after, "when did you make this item".  I can skip it and do the rest, but it will not allow me to save listing or a draft because core details are missing.

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Re: Core details on listing

Are you trying to create a new listing from scratch? Renew a listing? Copy a listing? Edit a listing? Are you using the Etsy seller app, or web browser?

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Re: Core details on listing

Same as always, making a new listing.  I use browser on my computer as I hate listing by phone.  Several have the issue. Thanks

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Re: Core details on listing

I had the same problem yesterday and couldn’t get past “who made it” because the “apply” button was frozen. I was told via chat that I’d receive an email. Yeah, right. So I took an old listing, copied it and edited it with the new info to save as a draft. Frustrating. The odds of missing something important increase greatly, despite careful review. Did I change the tags? Are the materials and gemstones correct? What about the measurements? Etc. There are too many little details that need to be checked and changed to represent the new product accurately. 

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Re: Core details on listing

Same here, but I could not save a draft.  

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Re: Core details on listing

@BeadMedleyBoutique  Did you complete the Core Details or were you not able to go beyond Physical Item to complete? There's reports of a glitch by other sellers. I had this happen a while back. Recheck the new listing under Core Details and add who made the item, when was it made, etc. 

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Re: Core details on listing

Core details shows only when it was made.  The rest is there but no connection to cores so item will not post.

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Re: Core details on listing

Core details shows only when it was made.  The rest is there but no connection to cores so item will not post.


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Re: Core details on listing

All core details except "when was the items made" are missing.

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Re: Core details on listing

Make sure you have checked physical item, not digital.

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Re: Core details on listing

Yes I have thanks.

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Re: Core details on listing

I am experiencing this issue myself for the last few weeks. Etsy doesn't have a phone number and the chat boxes are of no help. I've even had chats with actual people from the Etsy team and they are of no help either.

I've included screen shots of the screen where it freezes and won't let you continue to fill out the details.

I've noticed this has been mentioned as far back as August of 2024 by Etsy users so don't hold your breath thinking this issue will get resolved soon. I'd suggest moving on to another online platform until Etsy gets this resolved. All of the time and effort put into creating a listing and not being able to submit it is frustrating and a waste of time.


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Re: Core details on listing

Same issue here it happens every time I try to create a new listing from scratch I am using Safari on my iPad just like always. I have to use the web interface not the app because I need to have my items listed on my pattern site and that’s only available if they get saved on web not in the app what a PITA I can of course copy and existing listing ot start the creation process using the app then finish it using the web interface I saw from the original report back in August that Etsy thought it was fixed. I guess they think if there’s a work around then it doesn’t need fixed


HEY there ETSY developer I would gladly walk you through the issue and text out your fix for you just call me! I will test for you for FREE if you fix the ability for the app to post to my PATTERN site too

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Re: Core details on listing



I like to create new listings on the browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc) on my phone (not the app).  About a week ago I noticed this core details issue too.

I solved this problem by going to the app, clicking on the + to add a new listing, copying an existing similar listing (this is the key b/c the listing you copy already has the core details), changing the title (you can make it just a 1-word title b/c you are going to fix it in a minute on your browser), and saving the listing as a draft.

Then, I go back to the browser and go to my browser.  You can do this on your phone, desk top, laptop, etc.  I go to listings and click on "Drafts."  Then I click on the listing I just created (changed the title on, and edit it as needed for the new item I am listing.  You will need to delete each photo and the video before uploading new photos, but then you can just create a new title and go through all the sections as you normally would when listing a new item.


To recap -

On the app:    Etsy App > Listings > + > "Copy an existing listing" > change the title > save the listing as a draft

On a browser:  Shop Dashboard > Listings > Add a listing > Drafts > click on the listing you just created in the app and edit as normal.


This sounds complicated but it's really not. I love the "Copy an existing listing" option on the app because 
I don't need to retype certain information (like the disclaimers and policies I put at the end of every item description).

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Re: Core details on listing

Thanks for posting!

I too just had this problem when trying to make a new listing. 

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