Inspiration Seeker

Chat Stuck?

I tried contacting Etsy via the chat, and after waiting for an agent for a while, I went and did other things for a few minutes. During those few minutes an agent had joined and waited for me briefly before saying "Looks like we haven’t heard back from you for a few minutes. If you have further questions, feel free to chat us again!". I've tried responding, but crickets. And I can't find a way to reset the chat to go back to the bot or get another agent. I just talk into the void, and have no way of contacting Etsy. What do I do?

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2 Replies

Re: Chat Stuck?

You have to email them and tell them to close out the previous chat properly. They will deny there is a problem-you email back and tell them it isn't closed out properly-please fix it. Rinse and repeat about 8 more times and MAYBE you get that option back in a useable form. Now I view it as a nuclear use once option.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Chat Stuck?

@PoppyandBagel  I had this happen before.  Try again tomorrow.  In the meantime, if there is an issue that the sellers in the forums can help you with feel free to ask us.

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