Category not working

I add category but can't list because says I haven't added category.

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Community Maker

Re: Category not working

When you type in the category box you then have to choose from the category suggestions which appear. Did you click on the correct category to select it?

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Conversation Maker

Re: Category not working

The problem with that is that the suggested categories are often completely wrong and there is no way to see the complete list as in the old form drop-down box.

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Community Maker

Re: Category not working

Are you using the app or a browser? If you have other items in the category you want, use the duplicate feature.

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Re: Category not working

This is the 2nd time I've seen the app or browser user question in re to tech issues.  I'm not an Etsy app user; but still wondering why this could be relevant in relation to this issue.  Thanks for clarifying! 

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Re: Category not working

@Marpet3425: Because some issues seem to be app or browser specific and some workarounds only work on one or the other. Whenever someone makes a "it doesn't work" post it is helpful to know if they are using an Etsy app (which one on which operating system) or a mobile browser or desktop browser (which browser and operating system).

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Re: Category not working

@BagmakerSupply Ahhhh ha...  Thank you; a much appreciated response!  Completely flummoxed as to why the tech folks aren't teaming with our gracious seller problem solvers in a more teamwise approach via the forums!  Or are they instead just stuck behind their side of the fence with customer support more ineffectively acting as a middle man, blocking more fully transparent and timely communications?    

Extremely important variables to parse out for our problem solving apparently!  Perhaps, each query should begin with your suggested details:  

"...using Etsy app (which one on which operating system) or a mobile browser or desktop browser (which browser and operating system)"

Again, gratitude goes out to the sellers DIY teaming w/each other on the forums!!!

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