I’ve been trying to delete some old listings that I deactivated a couple of years ago, but I’m constantly getting an error message. I’m using an iPad.
Any ideas?
I'm currently getting the exact same!
Also can't publish or delete anything.. Etsy must be having a problem
I'm also having problems deleting a listing, keep getting the red bar error message.
yes, same here I can't deactivate my listing
Ive been trying to delete/deactivate stuff since last night. Its been a thing all night.
me too, cant delete, I copy old listings not renew and i can copy but i cant deleted the old listing
Exactly what is happening to me.
I'm having the same problem. I have found a work around though. If you go to your listings section in the dashboard and click on the dropdown menu of the listing you are attempting to deactivate, click on VIEW ON ETSY. Once the listing opens click on Deactivate. This is the only way that's been working for me.
thank you. it worked for me!
Thank you so much T^T Came to this thread with hopes of a resolution and this worked for me as well, been having the same issue!
This worked for me as well.
I don't have that option. Are you using the app or a web browser?
This worked for me also....thank you!!!
@designsbymisschris - I used a web browser on desktop
Awesome! Thank you so much! I was getting nervous...
Your are wonderful! Thank you!!!
Saving for later, thanks.
Can't delete listing, I finally just wrote Not available next to the heading so buyers won't purchase. This has been going on for 3 days.
I didn't find the 'View on Etsy' for the Deactivate option, BUT I was able to DELETE from the SELL ON ETSY APP!