Hello, I cannot edit a published listing. I tried changing images but I cannot save the changes due to the following error being displayed
Please fix the following error in order to save your changes: Production Cost
I have no idea what I am supposed do/change. It is a digital product.
Thanks a lot for help.
Etsy is advising to switch to the old listing version to solve the error for now.
I'm getting the same error on a physical product. I'm assuming it's a glitch of some sort
I am also having this issue and it's driving me bonkers. I thought I was going crazy. lol.
Not able to update any listing. The error when editing is:"Please fix the following error in order to save your changes: Production Cost"
But there's no Production Cost field...
My wife is having the same issue with her shop. One strange thing, she can change the prices of items and publish them if they are over £10 but anything under that price brings up the “production cost” message and won’t publish.
Etsy is advising to switch to the old listing version to solve the error for now.
It seems to be working when I switch to the old version. Thank you very much!
Okay I see at the top of the listing in edit page, switch to old listing and that worked.
Works! Thanks
I was coming in to ask about the same issue. Definitely a glitch
Having the same issue
Getting the same error now - "Production Costs" - won't let me edit a digital item listing. No clue what this is...thought it was just me, but maybe now a glitch???
Switch to the "Old Version" of the listing page. It seems to be the work around.
I see no 'old version' when trying to either edit or add new. Where are the exact steps so I don't miss it. thanks
@RenaissanceFair: The "old" listing form is now history and no longer available.
Same problem & Etsy support had been no help
When I try to edit the order of pictures on a listing, all I get is a preview, there is no button to save changes and the publish button is grayed out and unresponsive. This is in July, with the new listing template. Anyone have the same problem? Any solutions? So far I deactivated the listing because for me it is unacceptable, the customer cannot see the product on the listings page. Thanks for any help.
This is affecting me on Nov 1 2024, I don't see an option to change to the "old listing form"
ETSY, is there a solution to this problem??
I sent the error to customer support and have not had the problem addressed.
I think the ads I'm using were created on the old form, has anyone figured out a solution?