Cannot access old completed orders.

Two days ago I tried to find an old order I had sold through the "Search" feature that shows up with completed orders. I put in the usual key words of description and received the typical response - i.e. "8 orders" but it only shows 2. Usually I just click on the "8 orders" heading that shows above those 2 and it gives me all of them. Now, it does nothing. So I can only access 2 the first 2. (I use my old completed orders A LOT for ideas about photos and descriptions, etc. - not to mention renewing a listing). I contacted Etsy and was told they were aware of the problem and their engineers were working on it. No updates, and now I get a message telling me to go through this long laundry list of possible fixes. It is not specifically keyed to the problem... just a typical boiler plate list of things that they always give you and that never work. Anyone know anything about this? Major problem for me. BTW, this problem is limited to my laptop. When I use the app on my phone, it works normally, but I hate using my phone. It's too small and my eyesight is not great. It's a big inconvenience and takes up a ton of time. Thankful for any insight!

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6 Replies

Re: Cannot access old completed orders.

If you click on "Completed" and on the right hand side, is there not a choice to change "Completed Date" to "All" ?

I read your post more carefully - so not sure this is helpful at all. But maybe change that first to "ALL" and then try your search? 

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Re: Cannot access old completed orders.


Etsy changed this a few weeks ago.

Go to Completed orders and you'll see this:

No orders here right now
Try removing some filters
Last 30 days X

X out the last 30 days and all your completed orders will show up.

You have to do this every time you close out the completed orders page.

You can also find your completed orders as noted above, completed > then select ALL on the right side on the filters.
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Re: Cannot access old completed orders.

Thanks. But that is not what's happening. My regular completed orders show up. It's when I try to do a search of old orders that I have a problem. I may have 15 items that fit the search parameters, but only 2 show up (even though it says there are 15). This is normal. UsuallyI can just click on the heading "15 Orders" and it shows the rest of them. Now it is no longer "clickable"


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Re: Cannot access old completed orders.

If you go to completed and select ALL under completed date on the right side, all your old orders should show up. I see my old orders from 2014 all the way to 2020.

On the "orders per page" filter it doesn't matter if I select 20, 35 or 50 all of them show up.

On the filter options on the right, above it I have "sort by date completed".
Then all the filter options I select "all".

Or X out the 30 day info on the completed order page to see all of the orders

Maybe I'm seeing something you're not.

If I search my orders for "fabric", I get 160 results from 2014 to 2020 and all show up but there's nothing to click on.

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Re: Cannot access old completed orders.

I go to Shop Manager "Orders and Listings" and choose "Search". That allows me to search for a specific order. If I know I sold a set of glasses a year or two ago, I can put in key words that relate to it... Like "Cambridge cocktail coupes". I will give me every order I've had for this set of glasses. Then I can just look through a few to find the one I want. I know what you're saying, I can see my orders back to the beginning... but that's a lot of orders to search through for a single specific one. Does that make sense?


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Re: Cannot access old completed orders.

Yes, that makes sense but if I search for a specific item, like "red Tupperware" I get only 6 results for it and I see all 6 orders and that info across the top isn't clickable on my page either.

I've tried with other search terms and all the items I search for show up. 
I don't see any that state 6, 8 or more items but only 2 or 3 orders show up.

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