I lost my star seller badge for May because 9 orders sent from my Prinitify partnership to Canada with correct Asendia tracking information, for some reason are not showing as delivered in Etsy, even though they were delivered on time and the tracking ID is correct. How can we get this corrected? It isn't fair to punish us sellers for an obvious technical error that we are not even notified of until it is too late. From everything I could see under "Orders & Shipments" those items moved to "completed", so I had no idea there was even an error until I saw my star seller status.
I wanted to add to my original post.. the Ascendia tracking number is correct, but after it left the US a new tracking number was created and for some reason this tracking number isn't syncing with Etsy from Printify. I have been a seller for 1.5 years and this is the first time this has ever been an issue.
Hi there,
I've also had the same issue in the last couple of months. Two orders, one in March and one this month, have initially had the correct tracking info and synced with Etsy, but then my Star Seller rating is showing that the correct tracking info wasn't provided. I spoke with Etsy and they confirmed the issue is with Printify. I have emailed them and awaiting a reply.
It's very frustrating!
BagMakerSupply added this to another post about the same issue; Read the section "How to edit the tracking number on an order" at https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015774228-How-to-Add-Tracking-and-Complete-an-Order-?segm...
This was really helpful, thank you!
I have an order for the UK that I've just updated the new tracking info to. I think from now on, I'll be double checking the tracking and manually adding if need be.
Hope that helps!
@FanCful: "... are not showing as delivered in Etsy ..." For Star Seller, delivered is irrelevant, only shipped on time with verifiable tracking matters.
Does the actual order show as at least "in transit"? Then you need to check the CSV file from your Star Seller page to confirm which order Etsy thinks was shipped without verifiable tracking or had something else wrong with it.
Long before Star Seller was even a twinkle in someone's eye, we got into the habit of always checking the previous day's shipments to make sure that they show at least 'in transit' so that we could fix any orders with an issue.