Hello I see that Etsy is trying to fix a technical problem with Canadapost today, my question is does this affect our seller status? Assuming it doesn’t get running by the end of today.
Yes, if the order is due to ship today.
Today is a holiday... Family Day. Postal outlets aren't open.
Etsy doesn't take holidays into account - you have to push the ship by date out to account for it, or take a hit on your metrics.
Good luck.
Postal outlets are open! It’s not a federal holiday, Canada Post is operating as normal today 🤷🏻
Removed by me ... correction.
@PlatypusDream @RadicalButtons1 @bohemians https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/support/kb/other-products-services/post-office/find-ou...
"Regular collection and delivery of mail occurs on provincial Family Day holidays, Louis Riel Day (Man.) and Islander Day (P.E.I.)."
I am not sure why so many people think Canada Post is closed today.
Also, Etsy does take federal Canada Post holidays into account: https://community.etsy.com/t5/Announcements/New-Customize-your-holiday-processing-schedule/td-p/1459... It's just the provincial ones like Fete Nationale that are skipped.
@cindylouwho2 @RadicalButtons1 @bohemians
Thanks for the correction.
The -33 degree weather has me stuck in the house. I'm not shipping today anyway!
@PlatypusDream It's only marginally warmer here, but I have a broken kneecap, so I scheduled a pickup.
Actually packages are being delivered today. I just received one myself actually.
Please check the CP website instead of making incorrect statements, Canada Post is operating as normal today (it’s literally on their website!).