For some reason, when I try to print multiple labels for multiple orders, the window to download them flashes per usual, but no download is made. I have had to individually print each label.
Just started in the past day out of nowhere. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Having the same issue!
I have 30 labels to print so this is making it a disaster
Same. Downloading each label individually worked though, so I did that for now.
I also created a SCAN form but that won't download either.
Still having this issue. Hoping to get some updates from Etsy, if possible.
Scan form and multiple labels still not working today.
I'm also not able to print multiple labels at once. Very time consuming to print them individually. I hope they fix this asap.
Please Etsy. It is do-able, but it is getting old fast, haha.
For anyone else struggling with this, and uses Chrome browser, there is somewhere in the setting where PDFs open automatically when downloaded. Helps with the flow of printing these individually.
I amhaving the same issue since yesterday, etsy please fix this!
i contacted support, lets see if they get back to me. I use the Chrome browser normally but was able to print bulk labels and scan form using Edge.
Any news about printing multiple labels at the same time? Mine was not working yesterday and the customer service rep at Etsy I was chatting with had no idea and said no changes had been made that she was aware of, Last Christmas I needed to print 40-80 labels a day and if this feature does not work this Christmas will be a total nightmare