Kind of a special case here. My primary sales are succulent plants. I usually ship them bare-root, but a few of my returning customers have asked if I can offer shipping in pots. I'm willing to do so, but shipping the plants in soil would easily triple the shipping cost for most orders. If I ship everything in pots, or charge that shipping cost to everyone, it makes it difficult to compete with the many other sellers who ship bare root.
I would like to add the option for buyers to request shipping in pots as an "upgrade," and then charge them for the difference in shipping cost. Is this possible?
Also, sorry if a similar question has already been answered. When I Googled for an answer, the etsy forum links said "access denied" for many threads that might be applicable here, even though I'm a seller and am logged in with my seller account. Kind of annoying.
I wasn't aware I could create custom shipping upgrades. Thank you.
@HenrysHaworthia: The two most obvious options would be variations (but this would NOT allow for different shipping weights) or separate listings for bare root and potted.
There is another post in the technical forums with lots of comments - I've seen it mentioned you need to post there and the mods will fix whatever is in your account that's not allowing you access to the other categories.
You have a lot of ways it could be done. Use variations, different listings, or even offer it as a shipping upgrade. You can do shipping upgrades if you don't use calculated shipping and set the price and what it needs for bare root and another option for potted.
If you offered a "no pot" to "pot" variation in the listing, you would have to roll the shipping upgrade into the "potted" price. There is no way for product variations to having shipping variations too.
I don't know if you could add a shipping upgrade variation only for "Potted" only, it might work if you do flat rate shipping but not if you do calculated.
Make sure you research the relevant regulations. Some states require the soil to be treated for pests before it enters their state.