Hello. I haven't sold anything yet. I always receive messages from buyers saying that they are unable to purchase any of my listings. They get an error when they try to purchase. Why is this happening and how can I fix? Please help.
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Are these "buyers" telling you its asking for the sellers email address ? If so those aren't buyers they are scammers.
That is the latest scam and has been going on for months now. It's definitely a scam and shoppers absolutely do not need your email address to make a purchase. If they sent you screenshots of etsy pages saying otherwise those are fake pages they created for their scam. See this thread for more info and links to photos of the fake pages.
Etsy also recently updated this help center page with some helpful info https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000343128-How-to-Handle-Spam-and-Suspicious-Messages?segm...
Whats the error they are getting? I tried adding a few of your listings to my cart with no issue. I did encounter one that said it didn't ship to my country however. Is that the error they are getting? If so be sure to double check your shipping profile on that listing.
This is the listing that says it doesnt ship to me in the US. All the others look OK but you should double check the shipping profiles on all
I am having this problem too And it's not a scam bc it's my sister
I have had 3 different family members in 3 different states that have tried to make a purchase all receive the same error message to contact support. One did, was told it could not be fixed and was issued a $5 credit for their trouble. I contacted etsy prior to this to let them know and they said all was fine. Well, apparently it's not bc my friend tried to make the purchase again and I contacted them again after they said it was ok and haven't heard back yet. Meanwhile, I am paying listing fees and advertising fees. So frustrating! I have spent so much time trying to get this shop and running. My concern is, what if they can't fix it???
@Former_Member I just put an item in my cart and was able to proceed to almost purchasing. This is not a YOU problem.
This is also an older thread so you might want to either start your own, or add to an older one at the end instead of in the middle - your fellow sellers might miss the question.
Most likely it's a known scam. Are they asking for your email address? If so, they will use it to send a fake Etsy email requesting your credit/bank card details and then empty your account.
All sales appear on your sold orders page in your shop manager automatically.
Buyers don't need your email address.
If a buyer really is having problems completing a transaction then there's not much you can do about it. They should try a different payment method or contact Etsy support themselves.
@kultureFith I tested and was able to add one of your items to cart with no issues. Since you don't have any sales yet, watch out for scams that have been targeting new shops -
I'm getting the "this item doesnt ship to your country" error on this one https://www.etsy.com/listing/1518660138/flexi-fancy-case
Do you get the same?
Yes, for that one, but other similar items show they are free shipping from Norway.
Ohh I didn't even notice the free shipping. Im seeing the same. Everything is free shipping to me in the US except for that one listing that says it doesnt ship to me.
As stated, these are SCAM artists. Do not engage. Mark their messages as spam.
They prey on new shops (esp. international ones) hoping you won't understand how etsy works—or are confused about what a real sale looks like. They are trying to trick you into giving them your banking information.
I don't believe we can say this TOO MANY TIMES! SCAM!
I'm hhaving the same exact problem and they haven't done anything to fix it yet.
My situation is definitely not a scam since the people that showed me the error message are family members who i was with when they tried to purchase...
If they are with you and using the same IP as you, they won't be able to purchase. It's to prevent shilling.
Me too
je viens d'ouvrir et j'ai reçue les mémé arnaque stp fait attention
The same thing is happening to my acct and it's not a scam bc it's my sister!
Mine are friends and family in different states and they are all getting error messages when they try to purchase
I had a similar issue where my mom purchased something from my shop (I am a new seller). The sale does not show on my end, but she got charged
You may want to see if a scammer took over your account and that the money is going to them instead of you. My issue is they are receiving an error message each time they want to purchase from my shop. So the sale won't go through, Etsy keeps telling me it's fixed, I am paying listing fees and advertising for items that can't be purchased. My buyers have been told by tech support that it can't be fixed. Go figure!
I keep on getting the same message
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