Just got this message from a buyer. Any ideas on how to help her? Thank you.
"I have an item in my cart ,I would like to purchase another one. But I cannot get your store to put it my basket. Help!"
Etsy is actively engaged in preventing scammers from targeting our community members. If you receive a suspicious message, please proceed with caution. Etsy Support will never ask you to provide personal information via Etsy Messages, such as your email address or password. Any legitimate message from us will show in your "From Etsy" folder.
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Was the buyer looking for a multiple of the same item or did they want to purchase something else?
I sometimes have had issues looking for multiple quantities of the same thing but - if seller has more available - I have found that I can adjust the quantity in the cart (before checking out). I don't know why they wouldn't be able to add a different item to their cart though.
I just put two of your items in my cart no problem. Just don’t take any sales off Etsy if they ask.
Thank you. The buyer figured it out. She had to adjust quantity in her cart.
Sounds very much like a scam to me.
It's a scam. Mark the message as spam.
Etsy is actively engaged in preventing scammers from targeting our community members. If you receive a suspicious message, please proceed with caution. Etsy Support will never ask you to provide personal information via Etsy Messages, such as your email address or password. Any legitimate message from us will show in your "From Etsy" folder.
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You’ll find examples of common scammer techniques and phishing messages here in our Help Center. Read our Account Security Checklist in the Seller Handbook for more steps you can take to protect your account.
Do you know which listing it is? Maybe there is only one available? Otherwise they should be able to change the quantity in the cart.
Be aware of scams. Never take a sale off Etsy (if they found you on Etsy).
Yes, she had to change the quantity in the cart. She figured it out. Thank you.
Was the buyer looking for a multiple of the same item or did they want to purchase something else?
I sometimes have had issues looking for multiple quantities of the same thing but - if seller has more available - I have found that I can adjust the quantity in the cart (before checking out). I don't know why they wouldn't be able to add a different item to their cart though.
Yes, that was the case. She was looking for multiples of the same item. Was able to adjust it in her cart. Thank you for your feedback. It worked!
The OP is closing in on 5K sales, so it might not be a scam message, just a confused buyer.
Is she asking to buy a second one of the item already carted, not realizing that you only have one? A long shot, but maybe she's confused about something. She may have carted the item, gone back to your shop, saw the item still showing in your shop and doesn't realize that carting something does not remove it from the shop. When trying to add it again, it didn't work because there's only one of them and ''it's already in your cart''.
Message back and ask her to explain what error she is seeing. Her response will probably tell you whether it's a scam or not.
Yes, confused buyer. She was able to figure it out. Thank you.