Bulk Editing Prices leads to Lost Listing Variations?

For the last while I've had this issue where whenever I update my prices, in bulk on the listings homepage, the information updates but then the variations no longer match the images. The first time this happened, all 900+ listings had to be manually edited to ensure each variation matched the image (I sell items with various colours/sizes so they need to match the photo) - this took several days.

It's been a few months since this occurred and I was looking at changing my pricing, but instead of selecting all the items I just chose to edit 4 of them (so if there was another disaster I only had to go in manually for 4 of them). And annoyingly, it has happened again! 

I've dropped a message in with Etsy support and I'm hoping it is something they can eventually fix - but I wanted to see if it had happened to anyone else.


Thank you.


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Re: Bulk Editing Prices leads to Lost Listing Variations?

yup, bulk editing anything will lose variation photos, sometimes variation prices and screw up domestic/global pricing if you use it.

Im pretty sure it used to say not to use it if you had variations, or something like it wouldn't allow listings with variations to be bulk edited. Now, it'll let you do anything and just screw it up instead.

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