I am getting this 'bad request' and 'oooops there has been a problem' red drop down all the time again Etsy. Thought you had sorted this. It's very frustrating when you are trying to list, press enter then get a white screen with bad request on so you have to go back and do it all again!!! There was a long phase of this last year and it stopped thankfully .... now it's back and driving me round the bend. Are you perhaps tinkering again at your end??? When you've got a reasonably big shop (or shops) so you are working on them every day, this is a major P.I.T.A. Can you please sort it. I've cleared cache / browsing history over and over and still it's happening. HELP!
I would simply log in using a different browser which might solve the problem rather than continuing to endure these issues.
Shouldn't have to though - doesn't do it on any other sites .......
There's several of us that have been experiencing this and it is a pain!
I'm having the same problem. If I am having this message, does the customer get it also? How can they buy anything if they can't see what I sell....
Exactly, I am trying to shop this week and this has become a problem. I just opened a post on technical issues about this problem
Count me as another frustrated seller! These issues have been ongoing for me and so many others, and is making it nearly impossible to do business!
Does Etsy actually read these complaints, and/or doing anything about it? I'm not sure what else to do? I've done everything everyone has suggested in the forums NUMEROUS times, and the problems seem only to get worse. There has to be a major glitch with the servers on Etsy's side, as it seems to affect every browser - this is a widespread problem. And, I have had no problems with any other sites I use, so my browser works just fine, otherwise.
I've been a seller on Etsy for over 13 years, and have NEVER experienced so many technical difficulties as I have in the last month or two...so discouraging!
Same problem here!
Yep. It's non-stop in both my shops, and I know it isn't anything on my end as this is the only site where it is happening.
I am pulling my hair out! I can't get anything listed! It keeps saying "error," "oops try again," publish and save buttons lightened so you can't do anything but go back and lose all your work. It's not me. It's not my browser, my internet, my computer or the need to clear my cache. It's Etsy! It's only happening on Etsy and it's only happening in my listing manager. Etsy please!!!!!!
on Firefox, I just reloaded the page each time it happened (at least 20 times).
I now also had a problem buying my labels. I had something that HAS to get out tomorrow. So I went to PirateShip and bought them there. I was worried about the integrations working but it worked. Now I will have to make sure I've been charged properly for everything. It was unclear what was going through.
First, they put CAPCHA when you view too many items. Now, it's bad request. I don't know it's because of CAPCHA that we got bad request. But it's very annoying. I even got bad request from my own items.
I know reloading that item will solve the problem. Still, very annoying.
Repeated "Bad Request" pages.
Huge red "Uh oh!" messages.
Page freezes when trying to upload photos.
Then freezes again when trying to upload a video.
Then freezes once again when trying to publish a listing.
No message emails. No order emails. No money transfer emails...
I had all this too. Ridiculous.
Sweet addition to my list:
"You can browse, but we're unable to process purchases at the moment. Try again in a bit."
It’s not an issue with local browser, the clue is also in the message that the “Server” (Etsy) is unable to process blah blah - has been occurring for many days across many devices.
That's what my husband said. I don't understand that stuff but he said their server is full, so to speak, and he thinks Etsy is going to have to get a new server. Don't bother changing browsers, clearing your cache, cookies, all that stuff. It's Etsy.
There's now another thread about this on the forums. I am pulling my hair out. I couldn't get anything done this morning!
All my listings just expired but I'm not renewing them because I can barely use the site right now. With the Bad Requests constantly happening and constant annoying pop ups to purchase items I've put in my cart that blocks listing titles so I can't read them. I will purchase items when I'm ready to, I don't need Etsy to annoy and bully me into it. Have been on Etsy since 2008 and their servers have always been full since the beginning of time.
I am having the same problem and it is so frustrating. Etsy, please do something!
Same problem here....so frustrating.
Now I'm getting the red banner half a dozen times just trying to bring up my orders page and while trying to publish an updated listing.
Yes. So many glitches these past few months. Very hard to run a shop. Whatever was changed and whoever job was changed, change it back, please!