Hello everyone, good day, good sales;
I made my first sale in my store and Etsy asked me to verify my ID. I sent all my required documents, but I haven't received any response for 6 days. Can you help me? I would be very grateful, please. I want my store to be opened now.
"Can you help me? "
No. We are only other sellers.
Wait for Etsy to verify your ID.
Ensure you are following ALL of the rules of Etsy.
Are all of your items Handmade by YOU? Vintage? Supplies to make crafts?
I'm sorry, I didn't know, I comply with all of Etsy's policies and I am very careful. I gave all the requested information and I'm still waiting.
If you are "handmaking" these items, then why are they also on Aliexpress?
And on Shein:
@OmniiMarket: Etsy seems to be very back logged on customer service requests, but you are not doing yourself any favors by having an incomplete shop (for example, no location, no about section, etc). Doing a reverse image search on some of your items makes it appear that you are reselling and without you providing information that you are making these items YOURSELF (no production partner listed means that you did not design them and someone else is manufacturing them exclusively for you) very likely means that Etsy has or will come to that conclusion, too.
"Etsy has or will come to that conclusion, too."
ever hopeful but not likely.
@UppNorthEh: We're hopeful because with all of the posts about reverse image search (alleged) false positives at least some true resellers must have been caught.
yeah, some days I find them sooooo discouraging
Also no location, or policies, if I came across your shop as a buyer as it is now I would just pass it by, as just another reseller.
OP said "I comply with all of Etsy's policies and I am very careful." wrong. I clicked on one listing and it is the exact same photo on aliexpress, dh gate and about 5 others for much less money. Reselling is NOT allowed on etsy.