Hi everyone, I'm just trying to update some of my old neglected listings and can't seem to type into the photo' alt text box. Having to re click after every single letter I type to refresh the cursor and allow it to type. I know the alt text box is always a bit sluggish but this is next level annoyance. Anyone else having issues today? Given up for now but just trying to establish if it's an Etsy glitch or a 'me' glitch! I seem to be able to type here freely so maybe Etsy has an issue.
They made a change to how alt text works. A box opens up instead of adding the information on the right hand side (browser). I just tried and no issues.
It has been changed so depending on your system you may need to clean out cache and cookies.
I worked around this problem by writing my piece of alt text in a sticky note then copying and pasting it into the Alt Text box. I sure hope Etsy fixes this problem soon.
@PureBlissJewelry This is exactly what I did. Popped a sticky note on the top of my desktop screen and got busy with the copy and paste!
Thanks for your replies everyone. Good to know it was not a 'me' problem!
I notified Etsy and they said to clean my browser cache and cookies, plus restart the computer and that worked.
Same problem, multiple shops. Also had to do the note pad copy and paste which is annoying because I don't have a character count. Would also note that it's a problem with both the new pop up window thingy and the old way (I seem to have different updates over several shops).
Yes, I had that problem last night!
Thanks everyone for the added information. I only can report what I see. I had no idea they were adding alt text in the past. Maybe I wasn't paying attention. I would rather run my own shop.
Yes,yes,yes! Wasted a lot of time today! Angryyy!
Still not working on iPhone.
I can type in one letter and then the keyboard goes away.
I cleared cache and cookies, restarted my computer and Alt text is still not working. I know I can write it to a note and copy, paste to the listing but that is just more work.
Mine is doing the same. Thought I was going mad when I looked up after typing and nothing there
Does the alt text help with SEO? I’ve heard yes but does each photo need to have its own unique text? What have you guys seen when messing with the alt text?
I am trying to add ALT texts to my listings, follow Etsy instructions but able write only one letter. I also realizing that other people are getting the very same result. Is it a temporary glitch?
@atelierleon I have been doing listings today and the problem still persists so I am typing on a sticky note and copying and pasting across and hoping I don't exceed 250 characters! Pain in the bum it is! Hoping someone will fix it but this is Etsy so who knows?
Same problem with my listings!!!
I have 3 different shops and one has a new format for the alt text so I guess they're changing it over. In the meanwhile, I have temporarily put the text in the description and copied it from there. Naturally I like the original format better as I can see what is in it without having to click open the text.
UPDATE 14/02/25.... The alt text box appears to be working normally for me again now!
Strike that... It's gone again!!!!
Not working for me! Please fix!
I type out the keywords in notepad then paste it in the alt text and that works
UPDATE - It's now working perfectly again PLUS I now have 500 characters instead of the 250 I had before so they must have been tinkering with it. 500 is so much better!
Update 2/22/25 Alt Text issues again…now my copied and pasted Alt text freezes and i can’t get out of it- it won’t save and won’t allow me to exit the text box at all! It’s not a connection issue on my end, I am able to open other windows and look at other items on Etsy). It caused the loss of the entire new listing draft…
-so I did it again, this time saving the draft before I attempted Alt text, same outcome- freeze up and the only way out was to close out.