Inspiration Seeker

Allow buyers to buy multiple item variations with different prices

I have 2 variations:  First variation is size and that is 1 price for either size (let's use $10) and they have to choose 1.  Then I have a second variation for style and have let's say 3 different styles and they are all the same price (let's say $2 each but different than the size price) - they are like add-ons and they can choose 1, 2, or all 3.  

So if I'm a buyer I have to choose size and I select size A and that is $10 plus I want to choose 2 different styles (1 each) for total for $4 ($2 each).  The buyer see the $10 + $4 total going into their cart. 

Can I do this and if so, how do I set it up?

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6 Replies

Re: Allow buyers to buy multiple item variations with different prices

I think before you do anything, I would read what is allowed to be sold... in particular as to infringements, trademarks, etc. Otherwise, all the work will be for nothing.

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Re: Allow buyers to buy multiple item variations with different prices

I'm not sure if you can set 2 different pricing, but when you set up variable mark "prices vary" or something along that line.  

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Re: Allow buyers to buy multiple item variations with different prices

and change your avitar,

before the mouse gets your house

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Re: Allow buyers to buy multiple item variations with different prices

more than the avi... looked at the listings, and the sale numbers

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Re: Allow buyers to buy multiple item variations with different prices

Not the way it works on etsy.

You can select variation 1 and variation 2 and add to cart. You can't pick 2 "variation 2".

To get another variation 2, the buyer would have to pick variation 1 and a different variation 2 and add to cart.

The only way is to setup variation 2 as A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, where AB, AC, BC are listed as double the A/ B/ C price.

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Re: Allow buyers to buy multiple item variations with different prices

Not really.  Or at least easily.  You would need for that second variation a lising of all possible combinations of different styles. Say, A with style 1, A with style 2, A with style 3, A with styles 1 and 2, A with styles 1 and 3 .....  a massive headache to manage and hard for a user to actually use.

I'd probably opt to create a listing for each main item - say Product A (LARGE) - then use the two variations you are provided to "Select up to two add-on's") ... variations lile "Add on #1" and "Add on #2".  This of course won't prevent the user choosing the same item for both add-ons either.  Unglamourous and probably a PITA if hundreds of items. 

Etsy's options don't really allow for more than the most basic selection of two variations with no true correlation between the two.  

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