For the life of me, I know that this keeps coming up. Every 3-4 days I have to add a billing card, from what I understand this is a glitch. Can someone in tech please fix this! This has been going on for far too long, it looks like a couple of years or so from what I can see in technical issues. I pay far too much in fees to have a platform that is not functioning correctly. What did the programmers change to create this loop? Maybe they should go back and undo it?
Rant Over
Did you already add your billing card?
Every week when it asks for it
Is your card on file expired? They used to suspend your shop (US) over that. Now as long as you have no need to immediately use it like a refund your account balance doesn't cover, they just stop depositing your money.
No, have been on Etsy for years, this is a new glitch that just is not getting fixed. Have to add a card every few days. Wishing tech support would fix it already
I have exactly the same problem. Just got on the computer to add my default card AGAIN this week. The card is a MasterCard, with correct expiration date and linked to my bank account; both of which I've had for over 35 years . They are current and there are no issues with the card or bank account.
I've been reading in the forums where this has happened to numerous people who have been told it is an "engineering problem", "technical issue", and it will be correct, but it never seems to be fixed.
I am having the same issue. I have had this card for more than a year and had no problem with it. Now I get emails always on Friday's saying "Make sure you can get paid-add a default billing card as Etsy keeps deleting it. I have entered it at least four times this year. They keep telling me nothing is wrong and to contact my bank. I have and there is nothing wrong with my card. Please somebody fix this!
Same here. It seems to happen near the 15th of the month and at the end of the month for me. I have never had anything overdue and always pay balances from my sales account. I think I will just continue to add the same card a few times a month to keep them happy. It doesn't seem like they know how to fix it.
@kurtzysbeads What kind of card is it? If it is a reloadable card, Etsy is no longer accepting those as a primary card. You can have it in your shop but the CC card has to be a debit card with credit card logo or credit card. No reloadable cards.
@ArtDollsbyJD and @GoodNiteGracie Hi, Sorry I didn't realize you posted to my reply. It would be nice if I was notified when someone does. I am using my bank Visa debit card. It checks all the boxes to be able to use it. Here it is Friday again and I received it from both of my shops. The last time I called they said it shouldn't happen again. I don't get it. I really don't want to use a credit card but it looks like I may have to. This is ridiculous! Why after all these years this is happening??