End of Month Postings

Steph, it is my understanding that we can post questions on this team in addition to our one monthly promotional thread. If I am doing something wrong, please let me know and I won't do it again.

To All Team +10 Members: My question is.....if we have a new listing to post near the end of the month, is it better to wait and post it at the beginning of the next month? Do you only look at the current month postings?

Also, I am missing hearing from our team members that posted when I first joined this team. Would be glad to hear from all of you again. I have finally got my "umph" back and am eager to participate.
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6 Replies
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Re: End of Month Postings

Hey K&CP, I never worry about waiting till the end of the month to post -- when I have items ready, I go ahead and list them. I do try to space out renewals sometimes, just so I have some items more recently renewed. But when I'm shopping (which is way more than I should be!) on Etsy, I never think about when the items were actually listed.

It does seem the team participation has fallen off a lot in the last couple of months, doesn't it? I'm still around and happy to participate! :)
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Re: End of Month Postings

Hi Emma, Thanks for responding. I hope the team gets more active again.
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Re: End of Month Postings

Hi! I know I haven't been around much lately. I do check in though! I would like to start making goals again in June. Life has changed a little bit and I should have more time to be on here.

I try and spread out listing new items a little bit. I have to say, though, if it's not listed, they can't buy it!! The last two new listings I made were purchased soon after. Right now, I have a backlog of pictures I have taken, but have not listed! Yikes!
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Re: End of Month Postings

Yea Tanya! Love your quilt with the 1930's fabrics.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: End of Month Postings

I think listing right away is best.
Sorry I've been out of the picture for past few months. Busy with work (6 days a week) and family (baby #7 on the way!). Still busy with easy shop, just not team:(
Hope to back into it more in July.
I do love this team: very encouraging and motivating.
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Re: End of Month Postings

Hi Nikki....great to hear from you. I don't know how you do it. Congratulations on the coming baby. I want to get more active...I have several fashion size doll clothes to list but just don't seem to be to motivated....with all the crazy changes they keep testing, I just don't feel like this is MY shop anymore.
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