Hello from a new member and a couple of questions..

Hi all! I just started building my own Supadupa site in protest and as a solution to the new feedback changes introduced here.

I have a couple of questions if anyone would be kind enough to enlighten me ;)

Does SEO and tagging work on the same principles as here? Ie. do phrases work better than single words, is it good to use your tags in your title and descriptions? Do backlinks matter for ranking?

Also, I am having problems with my collections banners, I can't seem to delete a picture once it's been added to my banner roll. I try clicking on the 'i' in the corner of the picture, then clicking delete and save changes but then when I click the 'preview' button the supposedly deleted pictures are still scrolling on the collection homepage!

Thanks in advance and looking forward to getting to know the team!
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4 Replies

Re: Hello from a new member and a couple of questions..

Hi. I'm a newbie as well.

Don't have an answer to your banner problem, but I would think that backlinks would help your shop in it's popularity ranking.

Also, why not try both single words and phrases, then see which keywords people find you with.

I am definitely no expert though. I'm certain there are teamies that will know the answer to your question.
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Re: Hello from a new member and a couple of questions..

Thanks Artistikat, :)
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Re: Hello from a new member and a couple of questions..

I used the same tags as on etsy. Just copied and pasted, then deleted the X's.
At the end I also added my Supadupa shop name ( not link ) , just the name

I was wondering about the banners , too.
They just added those a month of so ago in the Collections.
You might want to e mail them and ask.
It might be a bug they don't know is happening.
I just e mailed them bout the description on my Home Collection not showing up and they fixed it for me.
Let us know what you find out.
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Re: Hello from a new member and a couple of questions..

I think it's a bug, I'm corresponding with someone in support now and they're looking into it for me! I'll keep you posted :)
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