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Team Information


A team for all 2,639,476 Etsy shop keepers and buyers to share in the wealth of this awesome marketplace! Everyone - buyers and sellers - are welcome to join, share and learn with others. Shops Team is a community feature on Etsy where you can connect with other members. ** Kindly do not start any new topics as this is unfair to other team members also endeavoring to promote their shop ** We strive to work together as a team which is done best by helping, supporting, and promoting one another. Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation! Shop owners around the world can gather here to meet people with common interests, and collaborate. You can run online sales or promotions together or come up with ways to use this team that we haven't even imagined yet! Part of the fun is discovering the creative ways other Shop owners are using Etsy and other online resources to market their goods and be seen. This team is also for anyone requesting a custom item to be made. If you are looking for a particular item, you may let us know by posting your inquiry in this thread:   We are a huge team of creative, talented, hardworking people ~ there is always someone who will be happy to create it just for YOU! Who can join? Everyone - buyers and sellers - are welcome to join. ** Please do not make any new threads ** Let's be respectful to everyone and Shopsteam guidelines. Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31
7661 members
Closed group
Created 10-27-2011