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anyone willing to critique my shop?

I only have had one sale and I don't really know how else to promote myself. Any ideas and critique are welcome. I really appreciate it. Thank you:)
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6 Replies

Re: anyone willing to critique my shop?

Hi Marissa,

Your photos are lovely. You do need to work on your descriptions and tags in order to attract more attention and increase your relevancy in Etsy and Google search. Your tags should be short phrases rather than single words, and your titles and descriptions should contain those same phrases. Your descriptions should also entice the buyer - right now, they're very dry and factual.

You may also want to fill out your "About" page to tell shoppers a bit about yourself or your art, and your policies could use some fleshing out as well.

Take a look through the relevant sections of the Etsy Seller Handbook for more info on these topics.
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Re: anyone willing to critique my shop?

Thank you!! Really helpful
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Re: anyone willing to critique my shop?

Hi Marissa,

Your photography is really interesting! I think your descriptions could use some tweaking though. Maybe a little background of the subject or location, the inspiration behind what you photographed....anything to give a bit more insight into your work.

As mentioned above, use small phrases for your tags. Put yourself in the position of a potential buyer. How would youseach for a photograph (or anything)? What words and phrases would you use to find what you want?

You may want to add shop sections so customers can easily find the subject they looking for....especially once you have several pages of items for sale.

Keep up the good work! You have a great eye! Also, be patient....your shop is brandy new! It takes time to get noticed. Keep listing photos. Build your stock. The more you have to offer, the more you'll be found!

Best of luck to you!
Boutique Bijou
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: anyone willing to critique my shop?

Hi! I'm not new to etsy but I don't make a ton of online sales so just take what I say with a grain of salt.
So at first I wasn't sure what I was looking at, that could be because I'm not your target audience but the titles of your listings were kind of confusing. Etsy bases searches on the first three words in your listing title I believe. So if you're selling Prints I would suggest Saying Print or Photo in the first three words. All he other stuff is ok in the title, just start off more specific. Next, I was looking at your listings and the one that sold and I noticed you didn't really describe much in the listing description. My recommendation here would be to find a few shops selling similar items and see how they do their listings. Well, I hope this helps!! Good luck
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Re: anyone willing to critique my shop?

The pictures are awesome!!!
I want to read your inspiration. I want to see the picture through your eyes, and what you were seeing. I know it's about what I see too, but I love to know what was going on in someones head when they created something. Let me in to your head so I feel a connection with the person behind the camera.

Well that is what I look for when I buy prints on Etsy.
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Re: anyone willing to critique my shop?

This is all super helpful. I really appreciate all the advice, and am updating things now:)
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