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need pricing help?

Hey everyone! Just wanted to make sure no one is missing out who needs this help. I'm doing a free webinar on pricing art tomorrow with all the stuff I teach my VIP clients about pricing their work. You're more than welcome to come and bring friends, of course!

The Art of Pricing Art: straight-talk tips to revealing your art's true worth and pricing to sell.

It's tomorrow, Wednesday October 30th at 2pm EST and there should be a recording barring unforeseen tech glitches. The recording is only going out to people who've signed up. You can sign up here to attend live or receive the recording:

You'll learn a ton - including how to reconcile ethical boundaries with making money, how to pick a price and stick to it because you're totally confident it's the right number, and how to ensure you're hitting the right customers with your price.

If you have questions you want me to answer on the call, just drop them in this thread or email me at lauracgeorge at gmail and I'll handle them during the Q&A. Hope to see you there!!
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