There are several ways to do this, I hope below instruction can helps:
Step 1: At your shop, move and locate your mouse at item you want to copy, right click your mouse ( you will see an opening panel with commands) then find and click on " Copy Link Location", It s means you already copied this link and ready to paste into any place you want.
Step 2: Open a new tab in your browser, log on your Seemingly Undiscovered team's thread, locate your mouse in this dialog window, right click , you see the command "paste" in the same opening window commands. click to paste the link you already copied into the line you want to insert your link. Done!
Good luck
PS: If you can not do it as above, please do not hesitate to send me your email address, I will send you back other way of instruction using screen captured of your shop by images step by step.
Hi Suami! You are so kind for writing all of that for me! Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. By the way your work is amazing and thats still is not enough. I tough my pieces were miniature ( I have another store here on etsy "not so miniature anymore food jewelry" my pieces are cute but no cuter than yours. Once again thank you very much, appreciate it
Hi. I'm a new member...I don't really dedicate a ton of time to Etsy, although I'm working on getting it set up for wholesale. That and indie shows/music festivals are how I make my living.
Hi guys. I'm new to this team, and new to teams, really. I listed some things a few days ago, but I have a folder of images ready to be edited and a box of new goodies eager to hit my shop. Here's the stuff I listed just a few days ago: