Here is message a member of our team asked me to pass along:
Hi, I was wondering if you would be willing to post a thread on the team page about a new craft show opportunity in Port Angeles.
On the second Saturday of each month the various art galleries have an open house usually 5-9. This is generally a well-attended event, at least by local artists and their friends and families.
I was speaking with the manager of the Landing Gallery, which is inside what is called the Landing Mall which has a huge atrium. We discussed starting a craft show at least on second Saturdays, and if it goes well, it could go all summer, and perhaps into the fall. We have a year-round farmers market half a block away (outside); this would give people a chance to have their merchandise in a weather-free area.
We are thinking having the show start 10 am (as the farmers' market does), but continue on until the evening, perhaps all the way to 8 when the artwalk is over. Cost will be $15 for a booth area.
I wouldn't think there would be enough business (at least at first) for someone to come a long distance, but team members who are local may be interested.
For more information, contact Etsy store Bob and Lindi :
Or call me at my store, NW Fudge in Port Angeles, 360-452-8299. I'm there 11-6 pretty much every day ... and this week I will be here most evenings, as well.
Thanks for your help!