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Scandinavian Love, do you have a story to chare?

Why do you have a love for Scandinavian things?

Please tell us more...
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3 Replies
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Re: Scandinavian Love, do you have a story to chare?

I am Swedish but live in Scotland since many years... I love the Scandinavian traditions and Folk Art and I still remember the stories about Tomtar and Trolls that we heard as children, we also heard whispers from old people about faeries and other forest beings that we were warned to keep out of the way of or bad things could happen!!! these warnings only made us keener off course!

I also love the way we Celebrate Christmas in Scandinavia, we really go out of our way to create a magical jule tide. We have the word Tomte or Tomtar that refer to our little people that are part of our Christmas beliefs and they look after the farms and it's animals; they look like little garden gnomes with red or grey hats and a white beard...

Santa Lucia celebrations is an important part of it for most of us... So is advent and all the baking involved in all our celebrations. our houses fill up with the wonderful smells of Christmas baking, we use lots of spices like cinnamon and cardamom...

You are welcome to post any stories you have about Scandinavian traditions and please show us any items from your shop that you have created with a link to Scandinavia!

Anne at The Fairy Tree
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Re: Scandinavian Love, do you have a story to chare?

Hi, my name is Marianne. I'm also an expat. I'm Norwegian, but have lived in USA for about 13-14 years now.
Anne, reading your post brings forth so many warm memories, especially this time of year, as Jul is approaching. Norway share many of the same traditions as Sweden has.
I have a special fondness of Norse and Viking history, and I love old tales of all sorts, Asbjornsen and Moe's eventyr are still very cool to read. :-)
My shopname is actually in honor of Frigg and the first Icelandic sheep I had, who was also called Frigg.

I'm working on having more Scandinavian style items in my shop, as time permits.
You can read more about all the workings at Friggjasetr at my blog on

Marianne @ Friggjasetr
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Re: Scandinavian Love, do you have a story to chare?

Hi, I'm Michelle I grew up loving Scandinavian folklore. My home as a child was filled with all kinds of Norwegian art such as rosemaling, needlework, knits, dishes, and trolls. I live in Florida and travel to Norway when I can.

I'm working on more Scan designs for my bracelets. It's not common to see these designs in the work I do, I'm looking forward to introducing the masses to more Scandinavian art!
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