Too many promo threads here

There's too many promo threads here. I originally joined this team because of the main topic it was named after. But like many other teams, it's promo heavy. I'd like to see some other threads here that are more relevant. So I'm going to give this a try.

Have you gone over all the numbers and configured what you'd have to do in sales in order to quit your day job?

I started to calculate everything. I still have a lot of variables to consider but at least I have a much better idea now than what I did last year on what it would take for my sales to make it possible for me to make this my main income. I tweak my excel spreadsheet that I programmed to run all the numbers for me now and then so I slowly get closer and closer to what the numbers have to actually be. I feel it's important to know this so that you have a realistic expectation of what you need to do to make the transfer a successful one.
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22 Replies
Conversation Maker

Re: Too many promo threads here

I would love to know if anyone on this thread has succeeded in quitting their day jobs? How do you find time to do all of this and work? I have both an Etsy and eBay store....there are only so many hours in a day and I've gotta take care of hearth and home too! Any thoughts?
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Re: Too many promo threads here

I have heard many of the QYDJ peeps in other threads talk about how they have help (hired or otherwise). This is definitely going to be in my future if I can get to the point of being able to pay someone to help. It's definitely a lot fo work! To do the pin back buttons by themselves are a lot of work and I have had put my hands out of commission for a few days and still not done with them. Whew!
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Re: Too many promo threads here

I agree that a lot of teams seem to just be promo threads and, honestly, I don't really visit them very often.

As far as my plan for quitting my day job, my husband and I are on a new frugal living 'diet' and our plan is to bank up an emergency fund and get all of our debt paid off by the end of next year. Just having no debt and having an emergency fund will provide the freedom we need financially for me to consider quitting.

For me, it is hard to put full steam into my Etsy shop and keep going at my day job so for a while longer...I will just have to do what I can do and keep plugging along. :)
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Not applicable

Re: Too many promo threads here

I read most of the teams' posts that I'm on via the team digest and its to the point that after quickly skimming the topics that I delete most team digests simply because they are all promo threads.

As for 'quitting your day job', my business IS my full time job. I don't have any outside help, other than someone who does the post office runs. My partner makes the soap dishes but its my business and it is a full time job.

I don't have a smart phone nor do I see the need. I set a daily schedule and when I'm finished for the day, I close the office and leave it until the following day.
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Re: Too many promo threads here

Oh, I agree BD, I'm in about 22 teams, and sadly, most have turned into 'look at meeeee!' and not sharing stories, info, experience, etc...

I don't have any kind of business plans are number goals, but I never intended to quite my day job until I retire. But I do have a general idea that I want to profit 1k a month, because that's how much my paycheck will shrink when I retire, 5-6 years from now.

If I manage more than that, then maybe I'll be able to retire a year earlier if work gets crazy!
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Re: Too many promo threads here

As someone who is constantly closing the promo threads that shouldn't be here, it's frustrating. We tried to consolidate them into a couple of specific threads, but some people just refuse to read and make new ones.

If you want to keep the other threads interesting and afloat here's some for you:
Check in each month with the monthly goal thread and let us know at the end how you went:

Our team chat thread has been quiet for awhile, but it would be great to hear from everyone:

Tips for organising life and business:

What are you doing to improve your store:

Shop advice/critique thread:

Writing business plans:

Craft Fair discussion:

The daily listing challenge is great if you want to really add more stock to your store. You start to feel like you're held accountable if you don't post something each day (not that you are, but it is a great motivator):

Business tools:

Balancing your day job and etsy:

Tips on wholesale and consignment:

What steps are you taking to quit your day job:

Discussion on how to promote and get yourself and your business out there:

Cost cutting tips and discussion:

I hope that gives you some things to read, and discussions to join in, it would be great if they were brought back up to the top with new thoughts and discussions.

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Not applicable

Re: Too many promo threads here

Great idea for a discussion thread. I am nowhere near quitting my day job but one thing I know that I need to keep in mind is that I need enough income, from whatever sources, so that I can also save some for the time when I may no longer be able to work or have a shop. Not a lot, but some, so I need to be able to do more than support the shop and pay bills. That said, I know I can always also cut back more on my expenses so the level of income I need can decrease.
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Conversation Maker

Re: Too many promo threads here

Mon, I'm fairly new here but look forward to reading more on the threads you've listed. Thanks for doing that! Isn't there a way to limit who can start threads? I thought there was based on other team of which I'm a perhaps if that were done and only the leaders could start them; it would solve the problem? Members could easily contact the leaders in a discussion thread to suggest topics and so on...just a thought!
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Re: Too many promo threads here

Has anyone else gone over the numbers to find out what they need to do in order to reach their goal of quitting their day job?
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Re: Too many promo threads here

Yay, I love this thread! I TOTALLY agree about the promo threads. They annoy the heck outta me. I love teams where people actually share advice and experiences. The Craft Fairs - It's a Living team is really good - it's always advice/questions/experiences etc. Also the main Etsy discussion forum is nice too since it doesn't allow promotional posts. It's actually REAL discussions!

As for quitting my day job - luckily I had a lot of money saved up. I'm still working towards not using my savings at all, but I'm getting there. I've calculated how much I'd need to make a month, but I have income coming from a lot of different sources, not just Etsy - there's local shops, craft fairs, illustration work, teaching painting classes, etc. So instead I'm trying to break it up into groups, like I need to make $X from Etsy/month, and $X from craft fairs/month etc. Although, that gets confusing too, because I do more craft fairs in the summer and during the holidays than Jan-Mar, etc!

But the good news is it gets easier as time goes by, I start to get a good idea of how much I'll make on average for each category each month...

Oh also, thanks Mon for all those awesome thread links!!!
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Re: Too many promo threads here

That's a really interesting point you brought up: Having different goals depending on the season. I didn't think about it before but that would be an important factor to consider, too.
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Re: Too many promo threads here

As Heather mentioned, understanding the high and low seasons for your store are important to be able to plan things properly throughout the year. So you need at least a year of selling to get an idea of this. For example, last month for me was huge, but this month is quiet. Looking at past years there is always a rise in July and a drop in August for me. Knowing those things can allow you to plan with savings.

I've been running my business full time for over two years now, I definitely don't have help other than the occasional run to the post office that my husband does for me. I planned how much I needed to make each month minimum (which was probably too low, I should have allowed for more), paid off my debts, and saved up six months worth of expenses. That gave me a buffer while I built up my sales. It was also handy cause I had a huge expense come out of nowhere in the first couple of months of working for myself, so I wasn't suddenly in debt again. When I quit my job I was at a point where I was making 50% of what I needed to make each month, but I didn't have any more hours in the day to put in to the store to increase sales, so I took the leap. For me that worked and by the time that 6 month buffer of sales was used up, I was making the minimum of what I needed.

Another really important thing to consider - what is the maximum amount of items that you can make in a month? Is that enough money to live on? Don't forget that your making time can often be halved with all the other business matters involved such as accounting, photos, listing, packing and mailing, etc.
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Re: Too many promo threads here

Mon - I LOVE the dolls you use for modeling in your shop. Where did you get them from??
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Re: Too many promo threads here

Thanks! I got them from all sorts of stores online. If you google ball jointed doll you'll find quite a few.
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Re: Too many promo threads here

Awesome! I'm going to look some up. They have such beautiful faces! :)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Too many promo threads here

I am guilty of 'promoting' my items. At the end of the day I am lucky if I even GET on Etsy. I feel that even though I post photos of my items, it really isn't bringing me any sales. Why do I do it then? Because I'm so busy sewing that by the time I do log on I am exhausted and lazy I guess. I have thought many times that I should just delete a bunch of the teams/threads that I am on. Maybe concentrate on the threads where there is interaction with others......brainstorming, suggestions, etc....
Have a GREAT day everyone!
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Re: Too many promo threads here

Robin, I've found when it's been too hard to keep up that culling the teams I'm on to only a few I'm interested in has been good. Some teams are too active and I can never keep up, others don't update for months!
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Re: Too many promo threads here

Must say, we've been a bit busy since I became a leader for the Australian Wandarrah team as it's quite the active team. I culled quite a few back when I took that on. This and one other team I used to be more active in suffered unfortunately. Since I've got a little more time tonight I thought I'd stop by and say hi ;)

I find it funny tho Mon since you posted that list of links people could be active on that only one who complained above has gone to check them out ;)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Too many promo threads here

I hope those who have responded negatively about blatant promo threads such as post and run threads realise how fortunate they are that they don't need to be putting so much time into this type of promotion! truth is my views and inclusion in treasuries have increased greatly since posting in such threads.
In response to the question.. I have to live off my sales (not just etsy which is a minimal contribution) but I am pretty unusual in that I live in an off-grid eco community where i have no rent or bills to think about so I have learnt how to survive on an absolute minimum, just enough to feed me and the dogs, this is not the ambition of most! so it depends on your ideals? family situation etc If you can make a good living from your creativity you are extremely blessed!
the very best of luck to you!
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Re: Too many promo threads here

Bessie, it's not that singular promo threads are an issue, it's that certain people ignore the designated promo threads and create a bunch of their own, starting a wave of spam that pushes all other threads off the first page.
Ultimately though, this team was created with the intention of sharing ideas and discussion for those who have or are intending to quit their day jobs and run their businesses full time, promotion threads should be second to that.

Seeing as no one has decided to contribute to the threads I posted, I am bumping them all up to the front page. It would be great if people did join in the discussion, we'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Too many promo threads here

good! I will go take a look!
and yes spamming is not the way.
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Re: Too many promo threads here

Wow, Mon, thanks for all the helpful links! On our way to check them out now.
: )
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