Yay, I love this thread! I TOTALLY agree about the promo threads. They annoy the heck outta me. I love teams where people actually share advice and experiences. The Craft Fairs - It's a Living team is really good - it's always advice/questions/experiences etc. Also the main Etsy discussion forum is nice too since it doesn't allow promotional posts. It's actually REAL discussions!
As for quitting my day job - luckily I had a lot of money saved up. I'm still working towards not using my savings at all, but I'm getting there. I've calculated how much I'd need to make a month, but I have income coming from a lot of different sources, not just Etsy - there's local shops, craft fairs, illustration work, teaching painting classes, etc. So instead I'm trying to break it up into groups, like I need to make $X from Etsy/month, and $X from craft fairs/month etc. Although, that gets confusing too, because I do more craft fairs in the summer and during the holidays than Jan-Mar, etc!
But the good news is it gets easier as time goes by, I start to get a good idea of how much I'll make on average for each category each month...
Oh also, thanks Mon for all those awesome thread links!!!