Adjusting to the change

I graduated from college last week and jumped into my Etsy business as a full time job since I couldn't find any jobs using my degree. I'm also the studio manager getting paid on comission for my partner studio, run by another long time papermaker.

How did you all adjust to the change from school to full time Etsy, or day job to full time Etsy?

I find myself getting caught up in the making of product, or having too many goals and things I want to do or try. Granted I've accomplished SOME of the goals I've set, like packaging and photographing some new paper colors, making a new stationary set for my partner studio to list, and some smaller goals. But there is SO much I need and want to do that I'm losing sight. Having a long list of "to do" items seems overwhelming. I don't get a significant amount of things done so I can feel like each week was fully productive.
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4 Replies

Re: Adjusting to the change

You will always feel like you haven't done as much as you wish you would. I'm just starting to accept that, after 6 years of making plans and not getting them all done! I feel like I have a year's worth of ideas that I want to cram into 6 months.

Learning to prioritise is the main thing. At the start of each month I list what I'd like to do. Then as time goes on, each week and each day I prioritise on what has to get done.

I've learned that my actual making part of the day is usually only about 3 hours, at most 5. Not the 8 hours of amazing productivity I initially envisioned. The rest of the time is spent photographing, packaging, mailing, promoting, etc.

What has worked for me is giving myself a dollar amount goal for what I need to do, rather than an unrealistic list of neverending things. I know I can make at least $100 worth of product each day, so if I create that much, then I feel like I have been productive. Doesn't always work when I feel extra overwhelmed, but eventually we need to master the ability to let those feelings go. I'll let you know when I've worked out how. XD
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Not applicable

Re: Adjusting to the change

I've found that it really helps to have a set schedule to work with. I set a daily routine and also have a list of the items that need to be accomplished each week, and month.

By keeping the 'to do' list relatively small each day, you really feel a sense of accomplishment when its all done.

And if you have extra time, you can always knock off one or two things from another list as well.

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Re: Adjusting to the change

To do lists really help me keep my sanity! I have 2 going, one for daily tasks, and one for monthly tasks and they're ranked in order of importance. I find sitting down and clearly writing everything out (and wrangling a 8 month old ;)) keeps me from wandering off into the abyss that is known as "sitting in front of the computer all day creating stuff".
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Adjusting to the change

Realize you can't do everything in a day. I used to get overwhelmed with a long list in my head. Now I write things done and if I think I can get 6 things done I realistically know I can get three things done. We also do markets 8 months a year locally so that takes up a lot of time and I'm not always on Etsy. Plus there are those jobs that are more important then others. For instance if I get an Etsy order that takes priority over something I need to make for a show down the road. Some days are power days and much gets done, other days things take way long then anticipated and something has to give or be done another day.

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