THERE HAS BEEN SOME CONFUSION ABOUT THIS GAME AND THE TAG YOUR IT GAME~if you are featured in a tag your it or pay it forward treasury, you do NOT have to create a treasury in return, you can if you want. but it is NOT a requirement
Pay It Forward Treasury Game
1. Pick an item from the treasury below and one from my shop to create a new treasury.
2. The person below you does the same for you.
3. Post your new treasury here for the next person to do.
4. BE SURE TO MESSAGE THE PEOPLE IN YOUR TREASURY and include this in your message :
"This is a Pay It Forward Treasury.
if you choose to participate in this game please do the following
♥ Pick an item from this treasury and one from my shop to create a new treasury.
♥ Copy these instructions & Pay it forward
♥ Promote, promote, promote!"
if you choose not to participate thats ok :)
* Use 8 team members and 8 non-team members in your treasury.
* You must have at least 24 items in your shop to play this game.
That's it!
Ready, set, GO!