Tips & Tools For Etsy Sellers

I thought I would share a tips & tools thread here to help everyone out that they can use to grow their business. We will post new tips every few days so stay tuned :)

We will check back in with this thread every few days to see if there is anything we can assist other sellers with. If any of the team leadership would like to pin this thread so that everyone can take advantage of the info that would be great.


You can display your Etsy listings direct to your fans on your Facebook page. There are many apps out there. Here is a great one that we personally use that is simple and free! Just like the name suggests is very easy to use and even easier to set up. Entering your shop name is pretty much it! You also have some options to customize it if you wish but the default settings are great :)

Check it out at:


Get 1000's of fans on Facebook

We found an amazing site designed specifically for Etsy sellers that allowed you to get hundreds of fans each day on Facebook. As long as you have a few minutes to spend now and then its an amazing tool. The site has proven very popular recently with thousands of Etsy sellers joining and networking with each other. Check it our here

Having a good fan base on Facebook is very important so being able to get so many new fans so fast will surley give your business a huge boost! The site has some impressive feedback from sellers here on Etsy who recieved hundreds of new fans each day.


Promote your Etsy store on Pinterest with this amazing app!
I was recently introduced to this pinterest promotion tool. It allows you to select what items you want to promote and then you sit back and watch the repins and likes flood in! It’s that simple and it’s a great tool to get maximum exposure for your Etsy items on Pinterest. This app is one of the top ranking apps in the etsy app section so check it out

We love them not only because it’s a great app but any questions we had were answered instantly and I mean instantly! The first message I sent was answered in 4 minutes! I have personally used this site to promote our products and saw a huge jump in traffic from pinterest, remember people that traffic = sales….End of. On day two we had a number of sales right around the hour of lots of traffic coming in, after doing research one of the people who repined us had 32,000 followers and even some of them repined the pin that person made. It was at this time we had a spike in traffic and several sales all around the same time. I love finding new services like this as it’s an extra stream of traffic and potential revenue for our shop…every bit helps!


There are many pages and communities for Etsy on Facebook that will allow you to post and promote your products for free. Check out some of these pages and join the communities today and start promoting! All of the pages listed here allow you to share your creations by posting to their page. Go there now and get in front of hundreds of thousasnds of new people!


Don't forget to promote your treasuries by using team threads and games to get it out there. There is a limit as to how many treasuries a users can comment on in a day so take advantage of that by playing many of the treasury games that get you networking and in front of more people.


Changing your tags, creating sales for your shop and renewing listings at a specific time are so easy with this app.

We use and love more than anything the etsyonsale app, it’s wonderful! You can remove and add tags to all listings in one go, and schedule sales.

You may have seen many listings that display what the price used to be in the picture. They are listings that have been placed on sale using the etsyonsale app. If you sign up directly at the site you get 5 free credits to get started or if you sign up using the referral link of an existing user you both get an extra 5 credits, so you start off with 10 instead of 5. Feel free to use the code below to get 5 extra credits or do a search for an etsyonsale referral link, don’t just sign up, you should find a referral link first as you will get double credits on sign up.


We are always here to help other Etsy sellers so please feel free to get in touch with us :)

Bridget & Rhys
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3 Replies

Re: Tips & Tools For Etsy Sellers

Here is a great tip and strategy that surprisingly is not used by as many people as you would think.

When an order is placed and you are ready to ship the item. Don’t just use the mark as shipped function to attach a message and info, take the time to message each buyer personally thanking them for their purchase along with shipping details. If you included tracking, click on the tracking link so that you can copy the direct URL for the buyer to track their package via the carrier’s site. Some sites like etsy do link to this info but in some instances they don’t always update so it’s always best to give a buyer the direct URL to the tracking page.

Add a small message asking if it would be OK to add the email address on their order to your mailing list. Explain the benefits of being a member and assure the buyer that you will not automatically add their email address and that you will wait to hear back from them to OK anything. Many people will say yes or at least give you an alternative email address that they use more frequently. There will be many others that do not reply and some who do asking you not to add them. If they do politely reply thanking them for taking the time to reply. Other people hate spam as much as you do so be respectful!

An email list is an invaluable tool. It’s never to late to start one so even if you have had a shop open for years there is nothing stopping you from compiling one today. Don’t get bogged down in creating time consuming newsletters constantly, your readers will be far more engaged if you contact them less frequently with truly valuable info whether it be details of savings that can be made or even news on industry you cover. Whatever it is a mailing list is a valuable tool.

Start one today :)
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Re: Tips & Tools For Etsy Sellers

At one point we had more twitter followers when we started than MAC, Urban Decay and Clinique combined! How did we do this without investing any money whatsoever? We started our whole business with just $150 and that was pretty much all we ever spent to get set up, the rest we reinvested from the growing business.

We utilized the daily limits Twitter has set out for connecting with others and targeted people who we knew would be interested in our products or discussed the topics relating to our industry. Do you have a twitter account? If you do then there are amazing networking opportunities awaiting you. No matter what industry or niche you sell in, there are plenty of people who would love to hear about your products or services.

You can connect with as many as 1000 people every day on Twitter. You can search for profiles in your category or pages you know your demographic will follow and connect with those that follow it or are followed by it. It takes about 20 - 30 minutes to go down a list or two of people adding before you hit the daily limit. Take full advantage of this for as long as you can. It’s easy to see a spike of hundreds of views during the minutes and hours following when you connect with others so it’s well worth it and a reason why we have hundreds of thousands of twitter followers.

Get started today because you will already regret it once you start and see the explosive growth it can bring.

Good luck :)
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Re: Tips & Tools For Etsy Sellers

Are you on Pinterest? If you are there are plenty of ways to promote yourself.

You can start by joining many of the group Etsy boards that are available. When you pin your items to a group board they show up in the feed for all members of that board. Group boards for marketplaces like Etsy are a favorite for shoppers so pinning your items there will mean that your items are not only seen by other pinners but all the visitors to the board as well. In many cases the easiest way to become a member of a group board is to message the creator asking them to invite you. You have to be following the creator in order for them to be able to invite you. Some boards have you leave a comment on the pins asking for someone to invite you. You can also create your own group boards by inviting your followers to pin there too.

Here is an example of a group board
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