Post 1 item from your shop, then CLICK the 5 items above you!
Short link gives you organic view, Clicking the link to an item gives it a "view." Most promotion games are all about getting new favorites for your items, and this one is based on getting you more views! More views means more visibility on and off-site, as well as higher rankings in search!
Do not post twice unless there are at least 5 items in between!
~ Tip for laptop users: Hold the CTRL/COMMAND key while clicking on the items. Doing so, you will open multiple windows instead of going back and forth from pages! Once you've opened a bunch of pages, scroll back to the first item opened and start closing in order. If the page has been opened for 15 seconds, no need to actually view it! You can click on the (x) at the top of the page or hold CTRL + W
I will do 5 after me...