Hi everyone, I'm Stephny King from Stephny King Photography (https://www.facebook.com/StephnyKingPhotography). I am currently just starting up my business while finishing up school but absolutely LOVE what I do! I'm always looking for anything and everything from props to backdrops and floor drops. Anything that's unique and affordable. I often have mostly children, and families, but am currently in need for NEWBORN BOY props as I will have one to photograph within the next three weeks.
I am a Newborn and Baby Specialist based in United Kingdom. If you are looking to expand your business, I will be more than happy to photograph items for you.
www.facebook.com/leandriperryphotography or www.leandriperryphotography.com
Children photographer looking to specialize in boutique stylized sessions. Looking for products for sessions such as clothing, hair accessories, jewelry, etc. in exchange for photographs. You can check out my work at www.facebook.com/ashleylortiephotography or www.ashleylortiephotography.com Please contact me if you would like to discuss this any further. Thanks!
I specialize in portrait photography of all ages but a majority of my clients include Children 5 & under. I do have models of all ages at my disposal (the joys of having a large family with tons of nieces and nephews).
I am looking to really vamp up my portfolio and would love to include some fun props along the way.
I have done trades before (including continuous trades with a successful etsy store) if you would life references. Images will be back within 1 week from the time I receive the prop, unless needed on a shorter timeline.
I'm looking for props and/or accessories for my 3 yr old daughters upcoming winter woods session. She already has a outfit of white tulle skirt, faux fur vest so the scheme is creams or whites.
Also I have a senior portrait session coming up, outdoors. Looking for clothing, props or accessories.
If interested in swapping. www.nicolegracephotography.com
Any props that can be used with models ages 16-25. I shoot styled fashion shoots and paid client shoots that can feature your products! If interested please message me.
Looking for some props/accessories for a Snow White and the Ice princess inspired shoot on the 19th for trade. You can check out my work at www.facebook.com/ashleylortiephotography Thanks
Hi my name is Heather Potter, I have been in the photography industry for over 10 years. I have built my portfolio working with models, professionals, families as well as product photography.
As a professional photographer, I have a large clientele that consist of all ages. I have several clients that are available to model, from newborns to teens. I would take care of model releases as well for you.
My website is: www.hjpphotography.com www.facebook.com/heatherjpotterphotography
Please let me know if you would be interested in working together in the near future. I have several newborn shoots scheduled for March and April and I would love to be able to offer my clients the ability to use your fun products (newborn and children props) during their photo session in exchange you can use the photos for promotional/marketing on your social media sites.
I specialize in whimsical and fantasy photography and am looking for shops who want to trade for props. Photography and editing is a ton of work, and equipment is expensive, just like making props. So I am looking for straight trades.
https://www.facebook.com/saskiafotografie I am prepping my spring shoots and I am looking for boutiques that would like to having big parts of their clothing or accessoires photographed by me. Shooting in late April.
I offer the change to choose your own models. Please message me if interested.
Hi, I'm looking for newborn props. Hats, blankets, hair accessories, etc. I have a newborn girl somewhere around March 12th. You can see my work at: www.ashleylortiephotography.com or www.facebook.com/ashleylortiephotography. Please message me if interested! Thanks.
I'd love to trade photography/modeling services for products! I have two daughters, ages 14 months and 8 years. Also if you sell items for men, my husband would make a great model.
I'd send you at least 8 images of each product. I do not have a studio so I'd shoot the photos outdoors for the best light possible.
You can see more of my work here: hayleyburns.shutterfly.com
I sold on etsy for a while and photographs all of my products. Here is a link to my sold items. www.etsy.com/shop/maryfrancesvintage/sold?ref=shopinfo_sales_leftnav
Hi! I am looking for mostly newborn props, but I'm open to other things. My family lives in Hawaii, and I have three child models - a daughter who is 8 and two sons (10 & 7).
I am a photographer that is located outside of Houston, Texas. My business name is Capture You Photography this is for my portrait photography I started it in 2006. I do quite a few infants and lately it seems like a lot of twins. We just had twin granddaughters 5 days ago and they will be getting a lot of pictures made. I love taking pictures of children of all ages it is by far my favorite thing to do pictures of. My facebook page link and blog link is below. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/captureyouphotography